Chapter Sixteen - Annie

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Finally, (Y/n) will be doing her first time night training ever. She has been waiting for this. Back in the HQ, she couldn't join the other soldiers' night training due to some weird rules Levi and Erwin made for her. She still had no idea why up until now but all that matter is now she is able to do it.

They are being put into teams, this time she happened to be in the same team as Connie, Sasha, Marco, and Daz.  (y/n) was doing just fine until she realized that it's supposed to be a squad thing kind of training, it's not only about her.

Their team ran out of gas and blades rather early and Sasha started blaming everything to Connie while Daz is just whining about things and Marco looking at (Y/n) in concerned look, before asking about what to do next.

"If we go on like this we will be forced to split up. We need to do something." Marco puts his thumb on his lips, thinking of something.

"Let's replenish and then regroup." (Y/n) suggested. "Then you all better follow my instructions. We will come prepared after this."

"Then... Everyone let's make (Y/n) the leader of the squad here." Marco asked everyone else to agree, in a desperate attempt.

Not everyone is so fond of the (h/c) haired girl. She came off to them as a cold and unpredictable person. Sometimes she can be nice, yes, but then her mood will suddenly change. They don't think (Y/n) would be a good leader compared to Marco but knowing how dire the situation they are in, they have nothing else to say except for agreeing.

"Eh... Alright."

(Y/n)'s team was about to finish the training in the bottom rank, but not after (Y/n)'s plans. After they replenish their gasses and blades, (Y/n) came up with a new formation and tactics, inspired by Erwin's and Levi's. She observed their plannings carefully before and good thing she is able to implement the strategy for her training. In the end, the table has turned. Her team members and she herself killed a lot of dummy titans and ended up being ranked second only losing to Eren's team.

"Yayyy! We did great!" Sasha cheered when the training had finished. Marco laughed at her enthusiasm and Connie only followed her by cheering as well. Daz? He already ran back to the barrack.

"It's all thanks to (Y/n)'s lead!" Marco gave all the credit to you.

"...Great job, everyone." (Y/n) shyly praised them, she gave them a subtle smile, not noticing how they caught you blushing a little.

"....W-W-WHAT IS THIS. (Y/N) IS PRAISING ME." Sasha, all sweaty, hugged the (e/c) eyed girl then shook her tiny body.

"Hey! Stop it, potato!" (Y/n) cried out.

'...How cute..' Connie and Marco thought to themselves.

"I-I'll go back first!" (Y/n) pushed Sasha away then ran off to the barracks to clean herself up and get some sleep. After all that, she deserved the good sleep.

[ Next Day ]

The next day is just full of academic training. (Y/n) considered herself being above average but seeing how intelligent Armin is, she isn't sure of her own capabilities anymore. Armin has a fresh way of thinking, somehow reminding(Y/n) of Erwin but with more morality.

However, Armin thinks that (Y/n) is very bright as well. He enjoyed discussing things with her because the two have different perspectives that can be mixed into one, creating a harmony.

During lunch, (Y/n) decide to sit with the trio. Deep down, she wanted to try sitting at different tables but she was too nervous to chat with the others.

"Hey, (Y/n) how old are you?" Eren gulped his water down.

"Oh... Uh... This is a secret, okay? I'm actually 11." Hearing that, Eren spurt out the water, thankfully only a little.

"What?! Isn't the requirement-"Mikasa shuts Eren by shoving bread into his mouth.

"Thank you, Mikasa and... Yeah... Uh the commander just, I don't know. Please keep it as a secret. But it doesn't matter actually. I will turn 12 in 2 months." (Y/n) bowed her head lightly to them.

"Don't worry, (Y/n)." Mikasa gave you a thumb, which was so cute of her. You smiled at her and then continue to eat your soup.

"But, y-you are very young!" Eren shuttered.

"Who is young?" Suddenly horse-faced Jean came from behind (Y/n), overhearing Eren's words.

"None of your business." Eren coldly replied.

"We're talking about my cat, horse face." (Y/n) lied.

"Oh, you have a cat? No wonder. Thinking so highly of yourself. Not to mention you are so unsociable, like to take revenge. At least a horse is loyal and useful, unlike cats." Jean mocked with his usual smug expression.

(Y/n) sighed at Jean's attempt to make you cry or bullying her. Eren and Mikasa, on the other hand, looked as if they are ready to tear Jean's throat.

"Hey! (Y/n) is not like that!" Surprisingly, Sasha cried out in your defense while hugging her steamed potato.

"Yeah, she is actually nice!" Connie supported the potato girl.

"You're going too far, Jean." Even though Marco is smiling, he truly meant it.

They don't know it but (Y/n) actually felt embarrassed, in a good way, when they stood up for her like that. It made her feel happy. (Y/n) cleared her throat then she fixed her eyes on Jean.

"Oh my, you lost to Eren so now you're picking on me? Lame move you got there, Jean." (Y/n) gave him a smirk. Making the boy went red. Jean only huffed before he left the mess hall. Not putting himself to look even dumber.

"....Sasha." (Y/n) called for the potato girl, standing from her seat.


"Here." (Y/n) gently puts her bread on Sasha's tray, making her gasped in disbelief. But she is very thankful. She would even worship(Y/n) right there if she asked for it.

The other 104th trainees, of course, witnessed that scene and some considering changing their minds about (Y/n).

After lunch, (Y/n) saw Annie. She knew her reputation of being the she-wolf. The aloof one. Annie is even more intimidating than (Y/n), even more, unpredictable and unaffectionate. Annie didn't want to get chatty with (Y/n) or that's what she thought.

"... Got any problems?" Annie caught (Y/n) staring at her ring.

"No. It's a simple but good one. Where do you get it?"

"Oh. It was from my father."

Annie was about to leave until she heard (Y/n) continuing the conversation.

"It must be nice to have a father."

(Y/n) does have a father, two actually. Her biological one, the horrible man who raped her mother and the adoptive one, Erwin Smith, who despite everything still took some time to actually bond with her. However, she was assuming things. Annie looked like she has a harsh upbringing, (Y/n) didn't think that someone like Annie has a normal childhood but she doesn't seem to truly hate her father, judging from her reaction.

"....Or not...Sorry for putting my nose in something I shouldn't." (Y/n) turned around once she heard nothing from the blond.

"No. You are right yet wrong too." Annie mumbled.

(Y/n) raised one of her brows at this but when she turned to face Annie again, the girl has already walked off. Wondering if Annie is okay or not.

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