Chapter Twelve - Kidnapped (III)

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(Y/n)'s eyes slowly fluttered open. She was greeted by an immense sensation of pain on her neck and head once she's fully conscious. She thought her vision was blurry but turned out everything is pitch black and she felt something covering her eyes. She tried moving her hands and legs but it's all tied. She wanted to scream as well but something is restraining her. The sudden event is making her panic but she still is trying her best to stay calm so she can think of something.

(Y/n) knew she is being tied on a chair. Her hands are bound at each wrist. She listened to any noise and once she made sure that she's alone, she wiggled her torso, arms, and hands until a portion of the rope begins to loosen up. She freed one of her hands and unfold the blindfold then untie the remaining restraints. Whoever tied her up there isn't doing a good job.

(Y/n) looked around the room. It is a small room and there are no windows or any other opening, only the door. It is rather bold but she decided to just risk it. She took one deep breath before she kicked the door open. It took three kicks to open the door. She kicked it pretty loudly, someone must be hearing it and they are coming to where (Y/n) is.

(Y/n) prepared herself to run and fight but she prioritizes running away to safety first. She sent a direct punch to the man's solar plexus, a real quick way to shut somebody up. If only she was taller, she'd go for the nose, chin, or jaw.

"Not so fast, little girl." Someone gripped her then put her on his shoulder. (Y/n) struggled to break free, she kept kicking and punching him but then the man grabbed her right foot and twisted it, creating a cracking sound, making the girl cried out in pain and immobilized. At that moment, (Y/n) knew the man had just broken her foot.

She felt tears starting to form on her eyes but she blinked them back.

The man then carried (Y/n) into another room and there she saw someone sitting on a chair. He has the same (h/c) hair as you.

"Too bad that crazy whore mother you have has died.  Don't worry you'll meet her again soon." The man glared at (Y/n).

(Y/n) is just so confused by now. Who is he? Why did he go through all the troubles just to kill her? "What are you talking about, old man."

"Oh, she didn't tell you?" The old man laughed, making (Y/n) even more uncomfortable.

"What was her name again? I forgot already. She was found by the Garrison, wandering outside the walls then they sent her to the Military Police but instead of doing their job, they sent her to a fucking underground whorehouse, so typical. She begged them to take her to a doctor in Shiganshina but, hah, who would listen to a woman who kept rambling about non-existent traitors, human titans? She was only lucky because she got the body and look." The man started to smoke then continued.

"She was one of the bitches I fucked at that whorehouse and the only bitch who gave birth. Her and her baby's existence is going to bring me trouble. With a position such as mine, my reputation can not be tainted merely because of a bastard and a crazy woman. At first, I thought it doesn't matter since she is going to rot at the underground. But the damn bitch escaped with her baby. I paid a large amount for Military Police to kill her and the baby but clearly, they did not do their job." He then stared deeply at (Y/n) with so much hate and stepped closer. Every step of him just raised (Y/n)'s discomfort.

For once, she actually feels scared.

"I'll do it myself." The man then ordered two of his men to put (Y/n) in a wooden crate then he himself wrapped his fingers around (Y/n)'s throat and began to strangle her.

"Aniki, Erwin-" Tears started to roll down her cheeks. Her vision starts to fade, she couldn't breathe at all. Small ragged gasps were escaping (Y/n)'s throat. She clawed her fingers at the man's hands uselessly, She tries to pry the fingers away, but she is slowly losing consciousness.

This is it, she thought to herself. She will die.

But before she completely lost her consciousness, Erwin and Levi came in.
Levi's pulse raced and he breathed heavily, almost as if he would burst. His muscles grew tense and he cracked his knuckles. His body temperature rose, and he could feel his blood boiling. A vein from his neck popped out and he yelled directly at the man and gave him a hard punch. Levi then roundhouse kicked him in the stomach. The man stammered out a curse laced with blood and fallen to the ground.

Erwin rushed to (Y/n), who was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding her in a tightening grip. Terror washed over her, raising the fine hairs on the back of her neck. A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of her stomach. When she saw it's Erwin, she pulled him and clung to his arm.

Erwin let (Y/n)'s hands go but then quickly hugged the little girl and lifted her up.

"I was so scared." An involuntary whimper escaped (Y/n)'s lips, she buried her face onto Erwin's chest. Erwin hugged (Y/n) even tighter upon hearing that.

Not only that, Miche and Hange finally arrived at the place too with some other soldiers from the Military Police brigade who are there to deal with the rest and also investigate the crimes (Y/n)'s father did.

"Oi, let's take the brat out of here first."

"I agree."

"Then, let Miche and I handle this." Hange murmured as she watched Erwin and Levi left. She'd usually rely on Moblit but since only the four of them know about (Y/n)'s real condition, what else can she do?

[ Scout Regiment HQ, The next day ]

When they succeeded in bringing(Y/n) back to the HQ last night, (Y/n) didn't want to leave Erwin nor Levi at all. She kept clinging to both men and refused to let them go. In Levi's and Erwin's eyes, she has never been looked as helpless as that. Not even when she had a fever.  (Y/n) stayed at Erwin's room. After she got her broken foot treated, she tried not to sleep but eventually watching Erwin working on paperwork bored her out, she finally fell asleep on Erwin's bed.

Sunlight shone through the curtains as (Y/n) slowly opened her eyes. Another day has started, (Y/n)'s eyes squinted shut trying to ward off the sunlight that filtered through the curtains.

"You're awake." The blonde Commander rose up from his chair and knelt down next to (Y/n).

Thinking about it, yesterday was so surreal to (Y/n). It started with something embarrassing and ended up with something so terrible. (Y/n) made eye contact with the commander then she touched Erwin's cheeks with her two little hands.

"Thank you. Also, I am sorry."

Sorry for misjudging you before. Sorry for getting into trouble, the list goes on. (Y/n) wanted to say sorry for almost everything.

"What for?" Erwin is stunned.

"Lots of things. For miscalling you too." (Y/n) shyly replied.

"I don't mind it."

But (Y/n) only smiled at it. She tucked an unruly lock of hair behind her ear and in a low tone, she murmured, "I have a lot of things to tell. But. For now, I'm only comfortable with telling you and Aniki. Is that okay?"

(Y/n) showed Erwin her determined eyes, Erwin recognized those eyes. A powerful one to him. Erwin pats (Y/n)'s head and agreed with her condition. He ordered one of his subordinates to call Levi and soon after Levi came.

"...." Levi stared at (Y/n). His expression has gone back to his signature stoic face but deep down he is relieved to see (Y/n) okay.

"I'll tell you what I know and what I've heard of."

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