Chapter 1: The Beginning.

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**DISCLAIMER: This story deals with the subjects of Heaven and Hell. I am not a religious person, but I find the subject of religion fascinating. I do not intend any harm or insult to any person's religious views. This is a story of fantasy. Thank you and enjoy!**

Imagine, the most beautiful places in our world. The mountains of the Himalayas, the lush greenery of England, the rainforests of the Amazon, all untouched by technology or pollution. The colours of the grass, the flowers and the trees, more vibrant than the human eye could ever comprehend. 

This is the Kingdom of Heaven.

There are no creatures who live here, no birds, no mammals, not even any insects. The only living beings are the Angels. Angels are truly beautiful creatures, although mostly humanoid, each of them stand over 9 foot tall, with huge white feathered wings.

The Father and his angels have lived in peace here for eternity. There are many angels in Heaven, but the five Archangels are The Father's chosen sons who keep watch over the kingdom: Lucifer the Light-bringer, Michael the Protector, Gabriel the Messenger, Raphael the Healer and Uriel Angel of Justice.


The brothers have gathered together to make their way to the palace after  receiving a message from The Father. Lucifer, curious as always, is the first to speak up:

"What do you think it could be?"

"Patience brother, we will soon find out." said Michael, glancing at him with thinly veiled contempt.

Michael was seen as the leader of the brothers, an excellent soldier and the wisest of them, but his dislike of Lucifer was deep rooted. He saw his brother as a prideful and petulant fool. 

"I was merely curious, it has been decades since we have been called to the palace."

The brothers soon arrive at The Father's palace, each of them looking up in amazement. The palace was not a building made of brick or stone, but of nature. The walls made up of thick tree trunks and the ceiling created by the entwined branches of those trees. The floor under their feet not marble, instead, grass and flora.

"This place gets more beautiful every time I see it." sighed Uriel.

Eventually, they reach the large double doors which lead to the throne room. Opening them, they walk in. In the centre of the room, sits The Father upon his throne. He breaks into a smile as soon as he sees them.

"Ah, here they are!" He rises and embraces each of his sons.

"Father, it is good to see you." said Michael.

"It is always a joy to see my children, but I have very exciting news for you all. Take a seat" They all sit in the smaller ornate wooden chairs surrounding The Father's throne.

"What is this exciting news then Father?" asked Lucifer. Michael, who was sat next to him nudges him with his elbow, The Father smiles at this exchange.

"I have been working on a little project...come with me."

The brothers follow him through a small doorway, off the throne room. Dominating the centre of the room is a large globe, covered in water and what looks like a large land mass.

"It might just be my greatest creation since my angels.....I call it Earth." The Father looks toward it with nothing short of admiration. "It will be a new kingdom and it will be populated by a new race."

"A new race?" asked Lucifer in disbelief. "What do you mean?"

"We are eternal beings, beings who have no real choice in the way we live. What would happen if we had shorter lives and the opportunity of free will?" The Father looks to each of his sons as he speaks. "I want this new race to experience this, I want to see what becomes of them."

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