Chapter 4: The Kiss

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A short distance away from the palace, whilst Adam and Lilith were still eating, the brothers had gathered in their usual meeting place.

"Brothers, we need to increase the human's training over the next week. The Father has decided that they will be sent down to Earth sooner than planned." Declared Michael. Lucifer, who was leant back in his chair, sat bolt upright.

"How soon exactly?" Michael gave Lucifer a questioning look.

"You were the one who hated the idea of the humans in the first place, brother. Now you are worried they are leaving?"

"I-no....I just meant-" 

Uriel quickly cut in: "He just means it would be a waste if they did not make it. You know how Father reacts to any failures, he takes it all to heart, right Luc?" Lucifer nodded and shot Uriel a grateful look.

"I understand your concerns, but we should not question Father's ways. There is always a reason for all he decides." Michael's statement makes it clear that the conversation is over.


After the meeting and once they were out of earshot of the others, Lucifer pulled Uriel to one side.

"Thankyou for saving me back there." 

"You are my brother Luc and I love you, but know that you cannot continue whatever you are doing with Lilith, she is not for you. If I see anything happen between you two again, I will speak to you understand?"

"Yes brother, but as I told you before, there is nothing going on. I have no interest in the human." Lucifer felt the lie come easily.

"For your own good, I hope that is true." Uriel patted him on the back and walked off, leaving Lucifer alone with his thoughts. 

That's when he decided that he would speak to The Father and tell him everything. Perhaps he would allow them to be together, make Adam a new partner? Failing that, perhaps he could simply help Lucifer to forget all about her. Encouraged by his new plan, he strode with purpose towards the palace.

As he walked down the long palace hallway toward the throne room, he heard sobbing coming from one of the rooms. He knew it was her. Without a further thought, he walked toward the door and placed his hand upon its surface.

"Lilith?" he called quietly through the door. He heard the sobbing stop and the sniffles that followed.

"Lucifer?" Came Lilith's quiet voice from the other side of the door.

"What is wrong?" There was a short silence, before the door opened. There stood Lilith and Lucifer could not help but be taken aback by her. Even with her tear stained face, she was still the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

"I'm sorry.....I seem to be crying every time we meet do I not?" she said with a small smile.

"There is nothing to apologise for. What has happened to upset you?" It took everything for him to keep from taking her into his arms again.

"It is stupid."

"If it has upset you, it is not stupid."

"Well....I was having dinner with Adam and afterwards he.....he kissed me." She took a deep breath and looked squarely at him. Lucifer could not control the rush of anger and pure jealously that he felt. That fool did not deserve to breathe the same air as her, let alone touch her or kiss her! He managed to get his anger under control before he spoke.

"Then what happened?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"I.....I felt nothing. This was my very first kiss with the man I have been made for and I felt nothing at all." Her eyes filled with tears again. "What am I supposed to do now?"

Lucifer felt his heart constrict at her tone, but a small part of him could not help but feel relieved that she felt nothing for Adam.

"I am sorry Lilith...perhaps you need to speak to The Father about it?" Lilith shook her head vehemently.

"No.....I have to try to love him." She turned to Lucifer. "I was made for him."

At this realisation, she broke down into sobs and Lucifer finally gave into his need, wrapping her in his arms. After a moment's silence, Lilith spoke up:

"Do you know the worse part of it all?"

Lucifer held her at arm's length and looked into her eyes. "Tell me."

"When he was kissing me.....I could only think of you."

Lucifer placed his fingers under her chin and lifted her face to his. In that moment, he forgot everything else, Adam, The Father and his brother's warning. He leant down and kissed her gently on the lips.

The moment she felt his lips on hers, Lilith knew this was what it was meant to feel like. She felt a rush of pleasure throughout her entire body. 

Lucifer pulled back and the disappointment she felt was palpable. Her lips still tingled from his kiss. "I am sorry, I should not have done that." He took a step back, freeing her from his embrace. She raised her fingers to her lips and noticed Lucifer watching her mouth.

"That was incredible." She murmured and looked up to him, seeing the inner struggle written all over his face. He shook his head.

"It does not matter, this should never have happened. It cannot happen again. You belong to.....him."

He said the last word with such venom that Lilith could not help but flinch. Before she could say anything more, Lucifer walked out, closing the door behind him.

Lilith sat down heavily on the bed. Touching her fingers to her lips again, she relived the feeling Lucifer's kiss had brought her. She felt the tears threaten again. What was she supposed to do now? She was made for why did Lucifer make her feel the way that he did?


"What are you doing here, my son?" Lucifer quite literally bumped into The Father as he rushed down the long palace hallway.

"I.....uh....I was coming to see you Father." stuttered Lucifer,

"Very well, what is on your mind?"

"Lilith." He couldn't help but blurt out her name.

"What about her?"

"I spoke to her earlier and she seemed upset.....about Adam."

"I have already spoken to her about this, She will be fine son. It will just take the both time to adjust." He looked intently at Lucifer. "Was there anything else you needed to talk to me about?"

Lucifer almost told him everything, it was on the tip of his tongue, but he shook his head, so The Father continued: 

"I'll give you a piece of advice. You serve me well Lucifer, but you need to be careful. These humans are very important to me and I cannot have anyone get in the way of you understand?" Lucifer could only nod. Of course his feelings for Lilith could not be hid from The Father. "I am to retire to bed. We have a busy week ahead of us, I suggest you get some sleep Lucifer."

"Of course Father...goodnight." Lucifer turned to walk away.

"Oh, and Lucifer-" He turned back to The Father. "You will only be training with Adam this week.....I think Lilith has had enough lessons from you."

Lucifer's heart sank. He wanted to argue but he knew it was no use. All he could do was nod, before he walked away.

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