Chapter 23: The Apology

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Lillian woke up the next morning to an empty bed. The smell of bacon cooking, led her to the kitchen, where Michael stood, still in his shirt and smart trousers cooking in her tiny kitchen.

"Something smells good." He turned and smiled at her. She noticed he looked so tired and his curly hair was messy from sleep, but the sight of him was still enough to take her breath away. She smiled at him.

"I thought you might be hungry when you woke up."

"What time is it?" she asked in a panic.


"Oh shit, I should be helping out the shouldn't you be at work?"

"Ur.....Tara is taking care of that side of things." he said as he dished up the bacon and eggs. "You help out at a shelter?" She sat down at her little breakfast nook.

"Oh, me and few of the girls volunteer at a nearby homeless shelter every Wednesday."

"That's very kind of you." he passed her the plate and she shrugged.

"I guess.....I just think it's important to give back to the community you work and live in." Michael nodded and turned his full attention to her.

"How are you feeling today?" Lillian looked up at Michael and managed a half smile.

"I'm doing okay."

"And what are you going to do about.....him." he said the last word with venom and Lillian did not miss it.

"Honestly....I have no idea, but I know I can't have him working at the club any more." Michael nodded.

"The offer is there if you want me to do anything."

"Thank you, but I think I can handle it." she placed her hand over his. "Thank you...for everything." Looking up into his face, she could see an inner struggle. "Are you okay?" she took her hand away. "You don't have to stay you know. I don't want to keep you from your work." He leant across the counter.

"Anything you need just need to ask." Looking into those eyes of his, she couldn't help but imagine what kind of life the two of them could have together. As soon as those thoughts entered her head, she forced them out. She wasn't about to get hurt again.

"I really appreciate all of your help, Michael, but I'll be okay. I need to go get ready anyway so you can get off. I am sure you've got more important things to do." she felt herself shut down and noticed the look of hurt on his face.

"Oh....okay. Well just give me a call if you need anything okay?" She nodded and watched as he grabbed his jacket and tie from the sofa. He looked back at her before he walked out of the door. "Take care Lillian, I hope I get to see you soon." 

As the door shut behind him, Lillian sighed. Her flat felt strangely empty without him. She felt ashamed at how much she had needed him last night. She had never wanted to rely on anyone, especially a man like Michael Law. Although, she wondered if he really was the man she had made him out to be. 

She heard her phone ringing in the bedroom, pushing her uneaten plate of food away she jogged into the room to answer it. James' name flashed up on the screen and she hesitated, suddenly feeling sick. She took a deep breath and answered, she had to get this over and done with.

"James." she answered flatly.

"Lils, I....I don't know what to say. I am so sorry about last night, I had too much to drink and-"

Lillian felt her anger bubble up, how dare he blame it on the alcohol.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! I have been drunk many times over the years, but I have NEVER attempted to rape anyone, especially not a friend." she ranted. "There is no excuse for what you did. You are no longer welcome at the club, you will have to find employment elsewhere and if you come anywhere near my club or home again, I WILL call the police. Understand?" She could hear him openly crying now, but she felt nothing. "I said do you understand?"

"Y.....yes, but please Lils, I need you to hear me out."

"Goodbye James." Lillian hung up, curled up on her bed and sobbed until her throat was raw.


 "Where have you been?!" snapped a harried looking Uriel as soon as Lucifer walked into the office. "You've got a board meeting in half an hour and its been so busy!"

"I was with Lillian." Uriel paused for a moment, looking at his brother.

"You called her Lillian." 

"Well, that's her name.....for now anyway. Figured I should get used to it." Uriel put down the phone he was holding.

"What happened last night?" Lucifer felt his anger rise again, just thinking of it all.

"She was attacked." he said through gritted teeth. "By someone she thought was her friend.....he tried to rape her." Uriel gasped.

"Is she okay?!"

"I'm not so sure, that arsehole bartender tried to force himself on her, luckily I got there just in time." Uriel pointedly looked at him.

"What did you do to him?"

"He's alive....for now. I need you to find more information on him. I cannot have him going near her ever again."

"I understand you would want to hurt him." reasoned Uriel "but you know the cost of showing yourself to humans or killing one, you would be sent straight back to Hell without her."

"As much as I would like to crush him with my bare hands, I will just get one of Michael's less savoury business associates to deal with him.....oh and I wondered if you might know which of the homeless shelters Lillian volunteers at."

"And why would I know that?" asked Uriel.

"Oh come along brother, I know you see all in Heaven, I just get a preview of the worse people." Lucifer grabbed the file Uriel had been holding. "Now, I need to get ready for a meeting, I shall leave the rest with you."

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