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*After many days, Faith and Nathan get a chance to meet at a relative's wedding. Faith didn't knew he would be there too and during the bride's entrance she sees him and is surprised*

FAITH(excited): Maya he's also here!

MAYA: Who?

FAITH: Nathan!!

MAYA: Oh! Where?

*She shows Maya where Nathan is standing*
<There he stands wearing black Shalwar Kameez with a beige muffler over his neck. Oh my he's so good looking!>

MAYA(seeing Faith overly excited): And what's wrong with you?

FAITH: I don't know... Uh

MAYA: He's not gonna come over and talk to you anyway

FAITH(gets upset): Yea.. You're right

*Neither Nathan comes to greet not does Faith. But they do greet each other's parents. Through out both of them act as if they did not see eachother. But after dinner....*

NATHAN'S MOM: Nathan come on here and meet grandma

NATHAN: Coming

*Beside grandma Faith is seated. While greeting grandma his eyes land on Faith who's looking beautiful in teapink and golden dress. He looks at her and passes a smile and she returns it. Now everyone's taking pictures...*

NATHAN: Let me take yours

*He clicks a picture of Faith's parents*

FAITH(whispers): What is happening

MAYA: Yeah, he offered him self


NATHAN'S MOM: Nathan click ours with grandma too

*Most of the women go and stand with grandma*

FAITH'S AUNT: Faith come on here

*Nathan's eyes track her. She glances at him for a moment and then back at her aunt*

FAITH: No it's alright I'm good

FAITH'S AUNT: Just come

*She then goes and stand with them and Nathan clicks a photo. After this everyone scatters around, Faith goes to sit beside grandma and Nathan stands with his brother at the opposite end of the table right infornt of them*

FAITH: Dad can you please click a picture of mine with grandma?

*Nathan keeps looking at her and smiles at her little weirdness which is due to the fact that he's looking at her making her nervous*

FAITH: Maya join us

MAYA: Go ahead it's fine

FAITH: Maya! You're coming or not? I'm not going to drag you here now

MAYA: okay girl chill I am coming

*They take pictures with grandma and seems like Nathan is smiling over her cuteness. After this Nathan doesn't go away and stays close. He sits on a chair and they both exchange glances but they still do not talk. Then comes the news...*

AARON: Yay school's off tomorrow

ZED: Yes, I got the news too

MAYA: Really? For what?

FAITH: Don't lie

ZED: We're not, just got a message from my school

*Nathan looks towards them*

FAITH: But why?

AARON: Corona Virus

*And a little discussion goes on with Nathan still looking at them closely-specifically Faith. Then....*

MAYA: Hey Faith listen up. Nathan is constantly staring at you

FAITH(eyes widen): What? Are u crazy?

MAYA: Honestly

FAITH: Lol that's not possible

MAYA: I've been noticing and trust me I'm not lying

*Faith just shoves it off. Finally the night ends without them talking to eachother*

author's note-how about this chapter? Perfect length right? The story has just begun;) Hit vote!!✌🏻❤️

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