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"So... Tsukishima is still into his ex-fiancée, even though he cheated on her with you?" The blond woman hesitantly asks the one in front of her, to which the other simply nods to answer the question being thrown at her, unbothered as she takes a sip of her drink.

"Are you.. into him?"

"Is that even a question? Of course I am into him." The female pauses, looking at the fellow blonde. "But that bitch is stopping me from getting with him." She grits through her teeth.

"Yachi Hitoka, listen to me." The female in front of her calls out, but Yachi merely smirks, swirling her straw with her finger.

"Why should I listen to you, Tanaka Saeko?" Yachi taunts, messily pushing on Saeko's buttons. She wants to piss off her so called 'friend'. She wants to let her know that she is not stopping anytime soon.

"Because I'm giving you proper advice so listen here you little shit." Saeko grits as she leans into the table, slightly invading the space of the younger woman.

"You should let fucking go of that blond shit, he isn't worth it. Have you seen how he blows you off? Ignoring you?" Saeko's words hit like bullets through her chest. However, she can't lie, he truly has become different ever since you left him.

"Good morning Kei-san!" Yachi bows at the older blond, expecting a greeting back but she doesn't get anything back.

She observes his new look, he doesn't have a tie on, nor does he have his usual smile on his face. The smile that would greet her every morning. Instead he has a deep frown present with the first button of his polo open.

She smiles, thinking he had forgotten to wear a tie since he was running late. So she grabs his tie from her drawer and walks into his office with a proud smile on her face.

Ever since that incident yesterday; she could finally breathe in relief. No one is going to intrude her relationship with him,

Or so she thought.

"Kei." She giggles lightly, walking to the man in the facing the window looking at the view. She reaches his figure, and hugs him from the back.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Get away!" Tsukishima yells out. His choice of insults hurt her, as if a knife is stabbed into her stomach.

"What's wrong Kei? Are you okay?" She looks at him with sad eyes. She tries to look for a reason why he suddenly reacted like that.

"It's none of your business." He said coldly as dismisses her, but she doesn't listen.

"I'm sure I can help, do you want me to please you like yesterday again?" She teases with a giggle, dropping the tie to the floor and shamelessly dropping to her knees.

"I told you to get the fuck away! Leave before I kick you out myself!"

"Ah, even thinking about my times with him three years ago still make me giddy." She says dreamily, remembering it as if it had happened yesterday.

"Good morning Kei!" The blonde greets enthusiastically. Even though they were classmates back in high school and with her being the manager of the volleyball club, she never got the chance to be close with him.

"Good morning Hitoka." But then, everything seems to be different, it's as if they're starting all over again, just like strangers with memories.

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