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The sickening smell of the hospital makes its way to his nostrils. He loathes the smell, it's always been this place that he most certainly hates.

The hospital, why you ask? This place decides your whole life. This place marks your life or your death. Call him over reacting but once he steps into the building puking is the only action he can think of.

The automatic glass door opens and he walks in placing his hands to his hoodie pockets. He walks to the reception of the hospital.

"Hi." He breathes out. The nurse in the reception desk eyes him in awe. She looks at him with a flirty smile.

"What can a do for ya'?" The nurse attempts on flirting with him makes him want to puke all over her white uniform.

"Room of (L/N) (Y/N)." He says with a monotone voice. The nurse chuckles before averting her attention back to her computer and clicking away.

"Can I get your number?" The nurse asks and he squints his eyes on her before snickering.

"No." He says. The nurse frowns at him before grabbing a piece of paper and a ball pen jotting down digits.

"Fifth floor room 452." She says with a seducing voice as she hands him the paper too. He refuses to grab the paper and walks away to the elevator.

His heart beat races, heart threatening to leap out of chest. He heaves a shakey sigh before pressing the elevator button and clenches his right fist.

What if it went wrong? What if you're in critical condition. This wouldn't have happened if he hadn't cheated on you. His guilty pleasure overrode his loyalty.

"Isn't it funny how one mistake can break years of trust?"

Kuroo's words ring in his ears. A shiver goes up his spine, he hates this feeling he hates the feeling of guilt.

He enters the metal transportation box. The suspense is killing him. He doesn't like it, every passing second feels like an hour. It feels like every millisecond decides your life. It's either you leave or you stay.

The elevator arrives at the designated floor. He quickly runs out of the metal box with clenched fists and a shakey sigh.

445, 449, 452.

He stares at the number plate of the room, before checking the patient name.

(L/N) (Y/N)

He heaves another deep and heavy sigh. He knocks on the door and stares at the door with a clenched fist. The knob makes a sound, as the door opens to reveal the bed haired male.

"You made it in time." The bed head smiles before letting in the blonde. Without hesitation he sprints to the bed.

Wires connected on your body to keep you alive. He thought it wasn't lethal, but the thought hit him. The bullet blocked your air way, of course you'd need life support.

"The doctor said she isn't going to wake up soon." The bed head said. The blonde looks at him with empty eyes.

"I-is she in coma?" The blonde asks and the bed head nods. Kuroo looks at the clock above your bed and then he fishes out his phone.

"I'm gonna go. The others left too so you're alone. See you tomorrow." The bed head says before walking out of the door. Tsukishima reaches out for your pale and cold hand and interlocks it with his warm ones.

He stares at your weak figure. Your hair is messy and sprawled out in the bed. A tube in your mouth and all sorts of tubes connected to you. The beeping sound of the machine is the only one heard.

The One That Got Away || K. TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now