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"We welcome the first grade play! With their leading prince Tsukishima Keiko and the lost princess Iwaizumi Hanabi." The teacher says and the two kids pop off from the backstage room with the teachers ushering them.

The [H/C] child walks from the right side of the back stage with his hand on his cardboard sword and a golden plastic crown on his head.

The other child with her hand on each side of her dress. Oikawa yells at the top of lungs cheering at his little princess, but Iwaizumi slaps his ass telling him to sit down.

Kuroo smirks before whistling as loud as he can for the little prince while Kenma takes a video of everything. Feeling a wee bit proud for the child, though he refuses to show it.

"My princess I shall save you!" The little child says as he runs to princess with his cardboard sword in hand. But the a teacher with a bear costume pops up in front of the child his golden orbs staring dead into the teachers eyes.

"Get em' Keiko!" Kuroo yells and the little prince smiles before thrusting the sword to the teachers side. The teacher then dramatically clutches his stomach as he falls to the floor with a soft thud.

"My princess!" Keiko yells before dramatically running to the girl and hugging her tightly on her waist. Gaining soft 'awes' and coos from the crowd.

"Thank you for saving me Tsukki!" The child says as she hugs. The male, soft claps and whistles from the crowd. Both then face the crowd before bowing.


"Did you see that Tetsuro-ni? I was doing the 'wham' and then I 'whooshed' the sword!" The little child explains and then the adult ruffles his hair with a smile.

"Yeah you were so good like a real prince." The male compliments the younger while ruffling his hair. Kenma smiles to himself lightly before taking a photo of the two.

"Keiko!" A blonde yells before running to the child at full speed with a gift wrapped in dinosaur gift wrap.

"I'm sorry I missed your play baby. Papa was busy with something, I'm sorry." The blonde apologizes as he steals the child from the others grasp. The bed head then wraps his hand on the doctors shoulder.

"So? How'd it go?" The bed head asks and then the blonde looks up to the male.

"She was sent to the mental institution while serving 20 years in jail for two murders and one frustrated murder and child abduction and illegal possession of fire arms." The male answers and the bed head winces at the other male. Kenma snickers before fishing out his phone.

"Come on lets go, Oikawa is probably waiting for us at the park." Kuroo says before lightly kicking the blonde to his car.

"Do you have the video Kozume-san?" The blonde asks and then the doctor hands the camera to the male.

"Make sure to make a copy the one there is mine." The doctor says before walking away with the bed head.

"We'll meet you at the park, don't be late." Kuroo says walking past the two before re-attaching his hand to the doctors shoulder.

"Your hand is heavy Kuroo."

"Even if you complain. I know that you like it."

"Do not."

"You do."

"Do not."

"You do."

"Do not."

"You do."

"I do."

The bed head then snickers before ruffling the doctors hair

"Ack! Vice-president! Stop ruffling my hair before the meeting I'm going to look messy!" You complain as you glare at the vice president while he ruffles your perfectly curled hair.

"Well it's my destresser." He says and you frown at him before confusion washes over you.

"Is that even a word?" You asks him and he playfully rolls his eyes at you. You playfully raise your brows at him before making fun of his new made word.

"I've never heard of destresser before? Is that some sort of old folk word?" You say with a playful tone and he smirks at you.

"Just like Atsumu's accent 'd'ya eat'em chickens that I bought from'em Chick Fil-A?!" He makes fun of the male. You laugh at his joke and he smiles before breaking into a laugh with you.

"Yer' stealin'em surgical masks from me?! Ya' brat!" You repeat what he said to his twin brother during an argument you witnessed a little while back.

"Are yer' makin fun of me?!"

"Good memories."




The little children meet each other before the princess runs to the prince for a bone-crushing hug. They fall to the ground with a small thud, as the both giggle at their stupid actions.

"Kids come on, let's eat!" Oikawa calls the two whose on the ground still in their costumes. The two obey as they run back to the blanket.

"So what happened?" Iwaizumi asks the blonde as he picks up an ongiri to his mouth.

"She got what she deserves." Tsukishima bluntly replies before grabbing a pair of metal chopsticks and picking up a piece of the sliced chicken.

"Keiko." The blonde calls his sone before placing the piece in front of his mouth. The little child easily takes over the piece and chews on it softly.

"Having kids must be fun. We should adopt one soon too, right Kenma?" The bed head teases the doctor. The doctor chokes on the water he was drinking before smacking the back of the bed head.

"Don't go on saying stupid shit like that Kuroo." The blonde glares at the bed head before slapping his back once more.

"Okay! I won't." The bed head laughs before ruffling the doctors hair.

"Keiko really looks like his mum." Oikawa says before smiling at the two children. The blonde eyes the two children before smiling as well.

"Yeah. It makes me happy that he takes a lot from (Y/N)." Tsukishima says before grabbing his own slice and chewing on it.

"What if those two you know end up together what are you guys gonna do?" Kuroo teases the fathers.

"They're too young for that!" The two males bark at the bed head. Kuroo laughs at them as he falls to his back.

Tsukishima looks up the sky and brings up his hand to cover the his eyes from the soft rays of the sun.

Hey (Y/N) if you can here me, thanks for giving me Keiko. I love you baby, I always have and I always will. So continue to look out for me and Keiko also for your stupid boss and your best friends okay?

You are and will be and will always be, The One Who Got Away.

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