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"So did you find her?" A female voice from the other line asks. The man receiving her words clicks his tongue in annoyance as he walks back to his apartment with an irked mood.

"Mind retelling me why I agreed to work with you?" He asks, voice filled with nothing but sarcasm as he grabs his keys from his back pocket, opening his door right after.

"Listen here, Kita Shinsuke, we both want something we don't have. I want Tsukishima and you want (Y/N), so we have to work together to get what we want." The woman huffs from the other side, her voice a bit distorted but her intentions are clear through to choppy line. "And, being your fake fiancée isn't something I wanted in the first place." A sudden wave of emotions flash over him as he ends the call and let tears drip down from his eyes.

He doesn't want this, he doesn't want to incorporate violence with you, he wants to win you fair and square, he wants you wholeheartedly, he wants to win your heart honestly, but with this whole ordeal that he has stirred himself up in, it's unfortunate to say that it's impossible to do so.

"I'm so messed up." He cries, messily carding his fingers through his hair, pressing his back at the door slowly sliding down to the ground.

"I will have you (L/N) (Y/N), I will be the man you'll spend your whole life with, not Tsukishima, me."

— — —

In a white shirt and a pink skirt that falls just above your knees, you're ready to go out and face the demons that you have to sit out with today.

"Are you sure you'll be bringing Keiko with you?" Oikawa asks for the third time this past hour. His brown irises fixated on you while he leans against the wooden doorframe. "You can leave him with me you know, we can—"

"I'm sure Oikawa, it's something I have to do now, if I don't do this earlier, he'll start to question about his dad and he'll hate me." You say with liquid covering your eyes, threatening to fall any second now. The thought of your baby hating you is too disheartening, it hurts you to the roots of your being.

"Keiko's never going to hurt your nor hate you, he'll be disappointed that's all." Oikawa assures you, walking up to you and hugging your smaller frame. He hates seeing you cry, it may be unbelievable but it's his top most weakness: seeing you bawl your eyes out, most especially when he's right in front of you whilst it occurs.

"Don't cry, that's not true. Keiko will never hurt nor hate you." Oikawa once again affirms, hand on your back, running up and down bringing you comfort.

"I won't cry, there's nothing to cry about." You say to yourself and him, making him nod at you; a sense of pride swelling up in him as he sees you pick yourself up with ease and honesty.

"I'm ready."

"Okay then, Keiko's been itching to leave already." He says while walking down the stairs and you quickly follow him.

— — —

"How do I look?" Tsukishima asks Yamaguchi and Yamaguchi sighs, its been what? The thirteenth time he asked and it hasn't even been an hour.

"It's been fucking thirteen times Tsukishima, I told you: It's fine." Yamaguchi says, massaging his temple and Tsukishima smiles at the mirror.

"I'm ready."

Tsukishima walks to the carpark and enters his car. He heaves a deep sigh, starting his car and drives to the restaurant. He arrives at the restaurant within five minutes. He parks at the side of the restaurant. Calming his nerves before entering the restaurant with a deep exhale.

The One That Got Away || K. TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now