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"We don't need to kill someone Yachi." Yahaba says gripping her shoulders and Yachi frowns with tears glazing her eyes. She doesn't understand, he told her he'd do anything for for her so why is be declining this request.

"B-but I need my revenge, S-she st-" Yahaba cuts her off with a kiss on her lips, she wants to pull away but her heart doesn't want to. She snakes her arms around his neck after a couple of seconds he pulls away.

"You don't need revenge my love, i'm here for you I'll always be here for you." Yahaba assures her and she sobs into his shirt, she doesn't want to leave Yahaba but there's still this tugging feeling on her heart, that wants her to get rid of you and your son.

"I can't help it, I need to get rid of her."


"Yer' finally here took yer' long enough." Atsumu says as he stands from the couch with a sleeping Keiko in his hands.

"What happened? I thought he was asleep." You ask as you remove your slippers and walking ahead of Tsukishima.

"I was at the room watchin' over em' and then he woke up 'cause he said he didn't have the same warm feeling beside him so he teared up and asked me to carry him and being the good uncle I am I did." Atsumu explains slowly standing from his position and walks to you slowly handing the child.

"Thanks 'Tsumu I owe you." You say and he nods and leaves the house softly closing the door behind him and you eye the blonde behind you who was pouring himself a glass of water.

"Do you want some?" He asks and you nod he goes to the water dispenser.

"So, do you want to go to bed?" He says and you go close to him, this catches him off-guard he freezes in the spot as you smell his shirt softly getting ahold of and smell it.

"Did you perhaps smoke?" You ask, his eyes widen and he looks away looking guilty, he knows you hate it when he does something stupid.

"Well- its- I-" He losses his words as you look at him with raised brows while you hold Keiko in your hands.

"I- it's something I do occasionally, when I get stressed or frustrated." He says and you heave a sigh.

"Well you shouldn't do that, that's not good for you." You say and he nods understandingly and you pat his shoulder.

"Go brush your teeth and change your shirt." You say and he nods and then he walks to the bathroom. Your eyes search for his room and you spot the open door.

You walk towards the room and you walk in closing the door behind you and you press the light switch beside the door.

The lights turn on and you take a good look of the room the room painted with white, gray and streaks of gold. Your walk into the bed and place Keiko in the middle of the bed and place his dinosaur plushie beside him then placing the duvet above him.

After planting a kiss to his forehead, your eyes trail to the photos on the black shelf in the corner. Photos of him, Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi and Yachi in the frame, on the other is the old Karasuno team and the one beside it is the photo of you and him when he proposed to you.

You smile at it remembering the beautiful memory imprinted in your mind, good memories that you wish you could come back to.

The door of the bedroom opens and you see him well without his shirt on only his shorts your eyes widen and your cheeks fluster. His ripped body is the show stealer, drips of water falling from his wet hair to his abs, you admit its hot.

"You done staring?" His voice breaks your trance and your eyes widen with realization, you were gawking at his body unconsciously.

"I wasn't staring, don't be ridiculous." You say and he smiles.

"Your ears still turn red when you lie (Y/N)." He says as he walks to the closet grabbing a random shirt.

"I need to shower can I borrow some clothes?" You ask and he pulls out a hoodie and shorts, he hands it to you.


"Hey, do you still have it?" She asks through the phone looking at the sleeping man with tears glazing her eyes, she doesn't want to do this but her pride forces her to.

"Yeah, usual spot." The man says back and cuts the call. She looks at the sleeping man and ruffles his hair with a kiss the mans head.

"I'm sorry, I love you." She says with her tears cascading down her cheeks.

"Yach- why are you crying are you okay?!" Yahaba wakes up from his slumber and quickly aids the female with a hug. She sobs into his shirt.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes through her tears. She cries out while holding unto his shirt.

"If it's from the past, it's okay, it's the past leave it be." He says while rubbing her back, but he's clueless about what's happening next.


You enter the room ruffling your hair with the towel. You hear soft breathes from the two males in the bed, cuddling each other.

"Are you done?" The blonde says with a deep voice, you look at him and you mutter a silent yeah. He stands from his position in the bed and grabs a blow dryer from the vanity drawer.

"You can't sleep with dry hair, you're going to catch a fever." He says as he pulls the vanity chair motioning for you to sit on it.

"I can dry my hair." You say as you walk to him about to grab the dryer from his grasp, but before you could he raises his hand to stop you from grabbing the hair dryer.

"You can, but I'm not allowing you to do that." He says as he cocks a brow and raises it higher. You furrow your brows at him as you stand on your toes im attempt to steal it from him.

"Don't be stubborn Kei, just give it to me." You say and he smirks leaning down on your face.

"Give me a kiss first." The demand makes your freeze and your eyes widen. He smirks with victory as he pushes you to the chair.

"Just as I thought." He says as he plugs the dryer to the electric port.

"Just chill out its not like I'm going to kill your or something." He says as he turns on the dryer, gripping your [H/C]-locks, brushing his hair through it.

"Your very pretty at night you know?" He compliments and your cheeks fluster.

"Don't say stupid things like that." You say as you look at him from the mirror. His blonde hair slightly disheveled his hair that used to be short now slightly long like those of kpop stars.

"It's not stupid because it's a fact." He says smiling at your reflection from the mirror.

"I love you (Y/N) please comeback."

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