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"Keiko's fucking missing! Pick up (Y/N) from her job and fucking drive to Kitagawa Daichi!"

Tsukishima's eyes widen, he then harshly grabs his blazer from the rack. Sweating profusely he runs out of his office.

"Sir whe-"

"Cancel all my meetings for today and tomorrow! I have an emergency!" He yells as he runs past his secretary's table. Kita's confused eyes trail to his bosses back with confusion running through his thoughts he sits back down and faces his computer.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" A string of profanities leave his mouth. Some employees in the same floor look at their boss in confusion. Even though he's frustrated he never does cuss but look at what's happening.

Tsukishima runs to the elevator he presses the button multiple times in panic. The elevator slowly makes its way up, he glares at the elevator for taking too long. He looks at another way down and spots the fire exit.

He eyes the fire exit, thinking it's the easiest way down.

'I'm at the 43rd floor if I take the fire exit i'll take a lot of time, every second must not be wasted.' He says to himself. The elevator makes a ding and opens its doors, in frustration and panic he quickly enters the elevator pressing the button to the first floor.

Fishing out his phone from his pocket he quickly presses his first speed dial.


"Prep the car right now, no questions do it right fucking now."

He ends the call and places his phone back to his pocket. Impatience takes over him, he taps his foot on the elevators metal floor in annoyance and panic. He takes a look at his wristwatch.

The elevator makes a ding, his eyes light up and he looks at the screen beside the door to check out if he's in the right floor. To his disappointment he isn't in the right floor he's in the 22nd floor.

His eyes glare at the person who's about to enter the elevator tempted to yell our all the vocabulary of profanities at the person.

"Tsukishima?" The person says as soon as he enters the metal box. The blondes eyes widen at the person.

"Yamaguchi." He says and the green haired male chuckles as soon as he enters the metal transportation box.

"Why the rush?" Yamaguchi asks as soon as he sees his childhood friend slightly shaking with his sweat profusely dripping as he chews his lower lip bruising it in hues of purple and blue.

"Keiko's missing." The blonde says and Yamaguchi's smile drops his eyes now widened in panic.

"What the fuck?" The green haired male cusses in panic and annoyance, he sweats as he eyes his also panicked and anxious best friend.

The elevator dings to signify both males that they both had safely arrived at the first floor.

"Take me with you." Yamaguchi says and Tsukishima nods. As soon as the elevator doors open they both boost out of the metal transportation box. Employees moving out of their way to avoid any injuries.


You properly arrange the papers in front of you, placing it inside the red and black binder. With a satisfied sigh you stand from your chair and walk to the door of your bosses office.

You hold the binder near your chest with your arms crossed in front of it. You open the wooden and metal door to the office with a clossed-lip smile.

"Hey." Kuroo greets with his usual smile. You walk with your heels clinking as you make contact with the marble tile floor.

"I got you th-" Your ringtone cuts off your voice. You eyes widen and so does Kuroo's onyx ones. With a smile he tells you to accept the call and oblige fishing your phone out of your pockets.

The One That Got Away || K. TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now