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"(Y/N)." A voice says from behind you as you bite on your nails. The blonde behind you walls closer to you, you see not-so-evident tear marks down his cheek.

"We're going to find him, okay?" He says and you nod. He bitterly smiles as he pulls you into a hug. Your hands wrap around his waist as you let your tears fall.

The males tears fall, but he stays quiet. He doesn't want to look weak in front of you. He wants to be that pillar that you can lean on, he wants to be the one who'll look strong in front of you not the one who'll look weak.

"And what- what if we don't? W-what if we don't find him?" You voice falters as you say those words. What if you actually don't find Keiko? What if he's gone forever? Or he won't recognize you anymore? Negative thoughts makes its way to your head.

"That's only a what if (Y/N), I'm positive that we'll find him, okay? So don't worry." He says and you nod into his chest. His hand rubs circles on your back.

He won't let this slip through his fingers. He wouldn't, he will get to the bottom of this and kill who ever stole his son from him.

"(Y/N), we have to go." The familiar voice of the chocolate haired male breaks your little moment. You look up to meet Tsukishima's eyes and he sends you a tiny smile before removing his grasp from your waist.

"Stay safe. I'll update you if anything else happens." He says and you nod at him also removing you grasp from his waist at the same time.

You walk to the chocolate haired athlete as he places an arm around your shoulder. Your tiny sobs breaks the blondes' heart. He won't let this slip out of his grasp. He will never forgive whoever took his son from his grasp.


"What the actual fuck." The male says as soon as he sees the situation in front of him. A wailing child being beat by the blonde.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" He yells and pushes the blonde out of the way and hugs the child. Securing it from the blonde female.

"W-how do you you have him?!" He yells as he cradles the child in his arms. The child cries as he feels the pain on his bum, which the latter is sure that it has red and purple belt marks.

"I stole him, easy." She says letting go of the belt in her grasp. His eyes fill with hatred and anger, why would she include such an innocent child to her problems.

"Where's Yahaba?" He asks and she chuckles darkly as she walks towards the stairs of the warehouse.

"I killed him." She says and his brows cock upwards.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" He yells and she smiles at him in a sadistic manner before letting out a tiny 'mhm'.

"C-can y-you please take me- me to my mama and papa?" The little child says in between cries. He looks down in pity as the child continues to cry.

"Shut the fuck up you little brat!" The blonde yells and the little child jumps in fear and surprise. He continues to cry but quietly, he looks down to the little child.

He will let this child free and end this little sadistic blonde bitch.


24 Hours passed since Keiko started to go missing, which means it has been declared as an official missing case.

Tsukishima walks to the cafe with his left hand in his pocket with the other on his phone. He looks up to the sign of the food place.

Miya's Ongiri.

The One That Got Away || K. TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now