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I decided to go to LaPush, critically thinking about whatever I can come up with

I had three things flooding my mind...
1. How would I convince her to believe me and accept whatever I was going to plan for.
2. What are the possibilities of the 'IT' Alice forsee and the last about
3. I have to inform Sam about this"IT" thing.

I walked towards the beach which seemed a better option to let my mind linger in open air with soft sound of the waves crashing the shore rather than being claustrophobic, feeling closed in the room.

The forest seemed strangely vacant as I walked . I didn't saw any animal or bird wandering. There wasn't even the sound of the winds.

I knew it was just the product of weather but still it made me edgy. I trudged down to a tree and sat at the end so I could lean against the tangled roots.

I stared up at the angry brooding sky-waiting for the first draw of showers to break the silence.

'Argh;' I groaned and jump at my feet. I could not sit still, it was even worse than pacing, as I thought about what could 'IT' be? Why would IT has anything to do with Bella?

'Jake?!'a voice called out loud. I turned , half irritated where a force ran and hugged me with a great intensity that made me shift two steps back.

'Oh!' I breathed and punched him gently on the ribs.

'Come on ,Jacob 'Seth flushed with happiness around me . 'Don't act like you don't miss our fun.'

I nodded halfheartedly,'Sure'.

'What are youuu doing here? Did the Cullens push you are out of their house!!' Embry jumped to his feet.

I raised a brow tilting my head one side in an attempt to let him reconsider his words. Embry put his both hands in surrender.

'No offences'

'Spit it out ,Jake 'Paul demanded.

I tried to comfort myself with their lack of concern where my stomach churned with hunger.

'Guys... let's go to ,Sam. I need to talk about something.' I demanded faintly disguising the frustration that filled my mind. I started pacing.

Quil grinned widely at Embry while he nudged his arm . "I have a strong feeling that there is something wrong with his lovey-dovey Ness." and I heard scufells of giggles and laughter behind me.

I smacked back of Quil's head 'Now if you guys are done making assumption. Let's get to some work.'

'Yes , Mr. Alpha.' Jared chuckled and reached for hi-fi with Paul.

'Birds of same feather , flock together' I muttered pacing as fast as I could.

Seth managed to maintain the pace with me.'If there is something serious, you know you can talk.' he asked

I gently nodded.' I dunno know, you decide.'

Soon after tolerating their hundreds of filthy comments we finally reached Emily house where an irresistible smell wafted all around the periphery.

'We would have great funn.' They ran inside while I dragged myself up.

'WELCOME;Mr.So far so good.' Emily sang . My lips twitched into a smile.

'Heh,' I breathed .

'Emily , I don't think you gonna starve us for another single second , would you?'Seth said as his eyes remained fixated upon the hot-chocolate she freshly prepared for us.

She chuckled , 'Its all yours, come on help yourselves everybody'. We all grapped a cup of hot- chocalate .

As I sipped it ; the chocolate melts inside my mouth where the condensed-milk reached the hungry pit of my stomach satisfying my each body part. Mmmhmm....

'That's Great, mhmm..'I said fumbling to get the right words out of my chocolate filled mouth.

She smiled.

'What's the deal, Embry? Why didn't you follow up the schedule last night?'Sam glared at Embry to take off from the shifts of patroling last night.

I smiled at Embry teasing him as the the sip of chocolate didn't travel further down his throat .

His eyes remained stretched at Sam.

'I.......I-'Embry stammered

'Well , Sam-' I tried to change the topic playing the life-guard for Embry 'I had to inform you all about some kind of an attack-'

Embry blinked "An attack?!"he shook his head in confusion .

Sam's expression tightened.

I nodded,' Alice saw something incredibly powerful fast and well aware "IT" attacking Bella.She said whatever it is, it knows everyything about us ; our weaknesses; our strengths,' I said.

My voice harder and deeper.

'What is it?' Sam asked

'Don't know ... she didn't see anything evidently. Its belongs to.. may be..one of our kind.. It was over so fast.'

'We'll take care of it'

'Bradley ,Collin and Paul take the perimeters,;' Sam continued.

I wasn't sure about the young ones taking around the perimeter to fight with something that is so strong and Powerful and I decided....

'Paul,Jared and Embry will take the perimeter's now.'I cut him off.

I noticed Sam glaring at me if topaz eyes melting but before I could even identify it he pulled himself together and then solidified.

I regretted it as soon as it came out of my stupid mouth; I guess the alpha instinct cannot be just put on hold; its natural.

'Now, go on.'Sam instructed and left the house phasing.

I sipped the last drop of the hot-chocolate I should not have interrupted Sam's command.. Why would I do that?

I sighed. 'I got a go;' I said as I took a leave..... Building up something reasonable to you tell Renesmee.


Thanks for reading this, it genuinely means a lot; but get on the small_orange unfilled star that eagerly waits for your press and fulfillment of colour in it😊
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