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Bang. Bang. Bang

"Jacob_?! "

"_Come on get up now",the voice scuffled and heard the struggles of 'ouch' and 'hey'.

"Huh",I Breathed as my eyes fluttered still half-shut.

"_Jacob",A hard thud bang against the door; this was not an alarm clock that I could silence by pressing a snooze button it was them.
I rubbed the remainders off my eyes.

"_Jake you better get up or we will go fetch up some ice water."

"_Hm_mh; Just a moment", I supposed this was something the majority of people would consider beautiful; waking- up in the morning but I found it strange___hard even to find something so good in so everyday; it's not like the sun would not rise it had after all.

I blink close my eyes and blink again. I track my feet off the bed and stumbled across the way to reach up for the door.

"Jacob-",Seth said.

I pulled both of my eyebrows together"_what are you guys doing here_?!"I asked

" We are here to get you to the race; it's been days we haven't spent some time together and__ you are late its already 4-oh-ten", Quil said.

"__4-oh-ten", I repeated my eyes popped open and _suddenly I my eyesight shifted to abnormally evident a. I glanced up at window that was filled with the shades that comes just before the breaking dawn.

I shook my head, "_Race_?! "

"Yeah_e gon'na bolt down the forest; flung ourselves to the damp
ground; _smile as the cold air passes," Quil scoffed.

"_well don't forget about the bet."Embry nudge his arm.

Quil nodded,"Embry thinks he can hold himself longer underwater compared to me and __so we are cliff jumping for whoever wins have 20 bucks." He continued.

"You guys gonna cliff jumping at this time.",I summarised "_you guys insane".

"_no it's fun",seth protested "I will referee".
I rolled my eyes.

" Come on you have grown of awfully lazy these days",Embry muttered.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Fine_then we will watched it out in the race. " I smirked.

I went up to the Cupboard; searched for something reasonable and durable finally at last I grabbed down the brown pullover with black pants and walked up to my bathroom, "Give me few minutes",

After the shower I shrugged myself into clothes and skip to my room.

"I am on my way",Embry announced

"_ the wolf hour",Seth said

"Imprinted by the Alpha", Quil said stressing on the word Alpha.

" Haha, seriously you guys did not find anything better than this to do at 4 a.m."
I scolded snatching away the books and placing it back to my bookshelf.

"_Well no offenses,"

"Then,let's go-" I said half-heartedly my eyes flickered to window and clung there it was raining.....I walked upto the window the gentle tapping of raindrops against my window trickled down soothed me down.

The rain comes oblivious to the life it gives; it was the world sunlight or moonlight the rain comes; with the half- smile I retreat leaving the window open greeting the welcome shower of this day.

AGAINST THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now