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Keep it down; She's sleeping . Rosalie instructed.

The stake was covered by a chemical called 'Alcindromycin' . It was named after Alcindoro, a scientist or more of a vampire hunter. The chemical once injected into our body weakens our powers and shun down a vampire. It was passed to the generations of vampires once Alcindoro was killed; in addition very few vampires of the generations have this chemical with them. Carlisle explained .

So then we can conclude "It's a vampire??" Jacob said.

I guess, maybe the Volturi's. It's pretty clear with "The generations of Vampires__." Dad prompted.

But on the same side, I didn't forsee any one at the right spot, It was the glimpse of, when Bella had already been attacked. Alice declared.

All the words spoken got clearer with each beating minute. I wanted to ask so many questions __a lot of them. When did Alice forsee about mom getting attacked?! , Why did no one told me about it ?! , Is she okay now__or what was it who attacked her?! and why? I had tons of unanswered questions. My thoughts got clearer and clunged to the night Jacob told me about her getting hurt while learning some physical difference with Emmette __

No..no..no..Of course not. Why would he lie to me?! I mean__but

I gulped down, for avoiding the truth wasn't going to help. Conclusion_He___ lied ____to me.

I found out about the scars Leah had at the Bonfire; but nothing makes sense, although I did some digging and found that these scars are bound with some witchcraft and sorcery or it could be certain___Carlisle hesitated Demon as their nails are harmful to any shape shifter. He explained. He sighed.

What about the ragged women Alice forsee near about the La Push beach?! Jake asked. I could hear the huskiness that had seized his throat.

"I don't know. It can be one of the possibility."Alice mentioned.

"We can't rely on possibilities, Alice." Dad snapped.

Slowly I try to get up; and in an attempt realize that a sharp pain clunged through my head and colourful spots splash out in front of my eyes. It felt like every bone in my body would crack if I move even an inch too and moment cause muscle ache. Regardless I needed to get out of here ___away from these things .Wincing in pain, I started to grab the corners of the desk and the couch cusion to pull myself up.

"Ness__"Jake whispered; as he tried to adjust his position to reach up to me from the floor.

"You okay,honey?!"Dad asked.

I nodded. An intense throb clung to my nerves."Dad I need to get to my bedroom."

"I'll help you__" Jacob prompted, standing up.

"Rose-"I croked; offering my hand to her.

He blinked at me with furrowed brows; and I could see he had held up his breathe.

"Yeah!! Sure, honey." Rosalie carried me upstairs; as she shut the door behind me and went out after making me lie down comfortably on the bed.

And I dozed off......


Thanks for reading this, it genuinely means a lot; but get on the small_orange unfilled star that eagerly waits for your press and fulfillment of colour in it😊
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