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Here's the preview of "ECOHES OF THE WIND" the next book in 'THE WIND SERIES_#2"

When Jacob returns will the things be same as always? Will Renesmee choose him as the eternal love of her life? Or Is there a twist in the story.

Keep reading 'Echoes of the wind' to know who will be the love of her life.

Keep reading 'Echoes of the wind' to know who will be the love of her life

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And soon we all collected up in a barren dried  land of forest. Wait!!!'s the same place where we gathered for our execution of the plan. To....stake the women. An uneasy pain flowed over me. Was this~~

Guys!! Lookout! Seth said. This is the same place of the northern head of the forest.

The fear sits and clung to my nerves, but it's a good thing to be tuned in. To feel fear and figure out what to do about it, because that's what bravery is!

We all, waited in silence. Our blood turning cold as the pre-seasonal cool air billowed through us. There was no whispering  noise or rustling as if the nature itself has conspired against us, to keep us in the dark. End-zoned. Silence pulling all of us on edge.

By the end of next minute, we all heard the sound of dried leaves crackling as it crushed under someone's weight. The sense of unease grew stronger, my eyes squinting as I cringed. And then we saw it...

A golden-black shape eased out of the woods, quiet as a shadow, it stalked deliberately toward us.

A grisly snarl rolled out from between the teeth of each one of us, rumbling across the clearing like a prolonged crack of thunder.

Golden fur with black tip as guard hair stood straight up as the air brushed it's fur. It's tongue brushed against the sharp, ivory canines. It's ears were pulled forward and it's lips tucked and pulled up. Four golden paws stood firm on the earth's soil, and it lowered it's head while it's ocean blue eyes"the eyes that burned like with a lust to consume everything in it's path" locked with ours. Deep rumbles came from it's throat.

Soon I realised that it was not alone. Flanking it on at the either side, another eight gigantic beasts prowled silently, lined up in a V. All of their eyes hungry and malicious. I'd describe them as a warning sign"like an amber beacon glaring off a falling blade" round and slightly pointed at the sides.

The Quiletes_The big golden wolf snorted. The pack has grown_

It was a growl that made me shiver; with adrenaline pumping hard against me. There is no spark of hope, there's no rescue coming. It's just us and them. 

Precisely, what an entirely unwelcomed surprise_ Sam rumbled.

The golden wolf scoffed And what an entirely unsurprising welcome! Sam Uley_ He announced. Great meeting you, but the pleasure's all mine Leah. We don't often get to meet a she-wolf.

I can't believe it! Jared mouthed.

Was this some kind of a trap for us? Paul thought.

How could the same place end up as a dead-end for each one of us?! Leah informed.

All the rage came out faster than magma and just as destructive. I gritted my teeth in an effort to remain silent.

Burning. Slicing. Raged.

Every word stung as a fuel to the fire that burn inside of me. My jaw rooted as my weight shifted forward.

When nature creates, there's a reason behind it. Every living creature has a motto behind their life. He stepped forward. But sometimes we tend to forget who we are and for what we have been created for!

My eyes narrowed. A cruel sneer formed on his vicious face and he leaned forward, eyes bearing straight to mine.

So! I am here to remind each one of you, that we are THE PROTECTOR'S and we have a purpose for which we have been created for  His voice grew louder.

Burning rage hissed through my body like deathly poison, screeching a demanded release in the form of unwanted violence. It was like a volcano erupting, fury sweeping off me like ferocious waves. It consumes everything, engulfing my moralities and destroying the boundaries of loyalty.

I stepped forward. Enough

Jacob_ Sam interrupted. You should not take the step when you don't know where your foot will fall.

I snarled.

I am not here to fight. We can do this the nice way, we all can unite and uproot every vampire that exists in this world, or we can do it the other way He moved forward filling the space between him and Sam. 

But either way, we are not stopping until none other vampire exist in this world. He snapped. So I'm gonna let you think about that. It's either WE or sadly NONE AMONG YOU.

Sam raised his head in disagreement, his eyes opened wide with a certain undefined ferocity.

I felt something wrong, twisted and distorted but it was something strong that burned my veins, creeping up my spine. All I felt was the desire; desire to hate; to screech each one of them with every ounce of breathe that dwelled my lungs.

The huge-golden-beast turned away in order to leave, the following eight wolves followed him.

What's that_? Leah interrupted, her eyes etched to a scar, probably a symbol of moon behind it's ear.

He's the crescent alpha. Sam answered in a loud stern.

And the wolf pack walked back. They didn't walk, they stalk proudly and precisely, shifting the weight of their massive frames shoulder to shoulder. Aware of each step they take. Constantly, immersing his sense in the world around him. Constantly, aware of his next opportunity.


Much more thrill to come in the next book. Keep yourself hooked.

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