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𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙪𝙥 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 I told Edward .

He nodded in response.

"OK!! then; we should get going" Edward said turning to leave and dragging up,Renesmee to his side.

"I request u all to come up a little further with us...I would like to discuss something. " Sam suggested.


"Embry ; go check on Emily and Quil ; stay here if in case. "Sam ordered .

"Leah will be ok soon, I managed to ease up some of her pains" Jasper said walking towards us .

" Paul and Jake !!! fill in "Sam commanded.
I nodded gently and we all went inside the house for some goodbyes and get_ well _soon's.

"Thanks for your help Dr. Cullen" Sue said her voice critical while she held her daughter's hand .

"It's my duty to take care of my little family" Carlisle smiled.

"C'mon dude ; she is a lot more tougher!! "Jasper said keeping both his hands on Seth's shoulders.

"Thanks god!!!; atleast their is someone who doesn't doubts my abilities." Leah rolled her eyes as she reached for a high_five with Jasper and so did Jasper... hesistantly.

Everyone giggled .

But by the next second ; I saw Edward , Jasper and Carlisle stiffened. "IT " Was here; the cyclone twirled around, winds grew stronger inside the house.
Jared and Paul took one side of the table guarding Leah; while Sam looked out for the other side.

Can you figure it out ... what is it ?? I shouted in my mind.

" Nooo, the thoughts are silent. I cant hear anything." Edward said shouting, holding himself at once place.

The winds were a lot more aggressive tearing each one of us apart.

"Guys!!!!!! I can't feel anything!!It's all gone, the feelings are gone."Jasper cried; his eyes horrified.

And suddenly the twirling wind stopped, but the inevitable sense was still there ; hiding across somewhere in the room or the kitchen.

Everyone stood motionless ; our eyes fixates upon each other; face's growing pale pr as if the blood rush was blocked .

We trembled in an inner turmoil. "Something's wrong!?"I cried ;where all of the sudden the gust of wind skipped the house slamming the door behind it.

"The emotions are back.!!!"Jasper whispered.

"We should get going, before it's too late "Edward mentioned heading for the door; dragging Renesmee who was dozing off.

"We can come up to the border. Paul do keep a check." Sam ordered. "Jake!!"

We all left ; walking through the forest ,taking each step with extra care and pounding heart ;somehow we reached the border .

I saw Bella and Alice coming towards us;both of their eye flooded with trouble. Alice walked into Jasper's who wrapped a protective arm around her.

" I want to thank you all for every effort and help you have been providing us with"Edward conveyed Sam's thought .

I knew what he was thinking.

"He wants to edit the features mentioned in the treaty about the Cullen's crossing the imaginary border granting me and Carlisle an exception ,"Edward said.

"That's very thoughtful of you".Carlisle ensured.

"Did you tell them??" Shortie asked, intensely gazing at Edward.

I observed Edward's attention moving to Bella; he blinked intentionally on some purpose .Bella nodded in response.

"Renesmee, honey...C'mon!!let'sget home.. it's too late." Bella said.

"Yes Mom, we are all just about to leave but before that Alice has something to say." she protested.

"Time to rest honey; you are almost asleep;" Bella shifted Renesmee's weight to her side and started to walk past in the dark forest.

We all turned to Shortie"Ok! Before Renesmee called Edward,I saw a raged women near the LaPush beach. She was...I guess...trying to blend in the surroundings with the werewolves-" Alice shook her head.

"Don't "Edward shouted glaring in the dark where Bella and Nessie just walked.

All of the them ran towards the darkness and; By the next moment I and Sam launched ourselves behind them.


Thanks for reading this, it genuinely means a lot; but get on the small_orange unfilled star that eagerly waits for your press and fulfillment of colour in it😊
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