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The window casts the brilliant sunlight onto the dark walnut floor extending its light through the blinds. The warmth of light filtered through my thin eyelids, reflecting onto several objects in the room.

I blink a few times in an attempt to help my eyes adjust to the illumination directed at my defenseless posture. Upon waking, I bury myself into soft warm sheets. I rubbed the remains of sleep from my eyes and gazed out at the horizon, as the rosy sky covering the sun, casting it shadows.

My eyelids greets the dayshine, my heart and lungs expand. Only now my brain allow the visions of last day to give it's way. I cling away imagining each moment one_by_one. I recalled yesterday replaying each second I spent with him; and a smile played on my face.

I thought of him; his smile, his perfect twinkling voice, his eyes and I'd realised how badly I missed him the last awful_NINE_ days.

But now it's all over; time really passes even when each tick of second hurts.

But_where is he?! My mind clunged to Jacob.
Did he wake up__so early?!

My eyes flicked shifting from one and to another zone and flipped to the floor.  

There he was_ asleep, lying on the floor, peacefully snoring that felt a hint of lullaby to my ears, his mouth hung parted slightly and eyes forced shut as if he was dreaming.

I didn't wanted to disturb him, as I was perfectly aware that he too would have got his sleep after NINE_days just like mine

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I didn't wanted to disturb him, as I was perfectly aware that he too would have got his sleep after NINE_days just like mine. So I tip-toed out of the room. While clicking the door unlock something struck my mind. 

 The book His Imprint that Jake threw off over the cupboard. But attempting to reach out the book would surely wake him up; so I gave up and skipped the room.

"Good morning, Renesmee" Billy greeted.  

"Gud'morning, Billy. You already awake?!." I shook my head gently.

"Habitual, honey_." He scoffed, sitting on his wheel chair his eyes strained on the large headlines as he flipped to the newspaper.

"Well, I should get back home, er, before anyone barges in here looking for me" I said.

He nodded; his eyes still etched to another breakin' headline. "Good bye then_see you soon."

"Good bye. Um, Billy you'll inform him." I hesitated.

"Yeah, surely I would." He reassured shaking his head.

"Thanks!" I breathed and grabbed the keys, heading to my car.

As I hopped in the driver's seat, I sighed and pressed the accelerator as the engine raced to ninety miles per hour. The car swung to the lone roads. I relished in the
roaring winds that twirls my hair and whistles in my ear.

AGAINST THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now