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I reached her.

"Hey!!" I choked.


"Um, you look.....wow!!." She blushed, her cheeks growing red.

I scoffed. "And I'm sorry I'm late and I_" I gushed out choosing the right words.

"You are not late. It just struck seven-O-two."

"Oh!" I breathed. "We just got stuck with some problem."

Her eyes shifted back and became glazed with glassy layers of confusion.

"Who's she?"

I turned back and I found her leaning against the railings.

I turned back and I found her leaning against the railings

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"The problem." I muttered, turning back to her.

"What?!" She asked, puzzled.

"I, um_!!" I fell short of words.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Jake, why are you behaving weird?!."

I flinched. "Well!! She is Embry's friend."

I couldn't actually tell her about what the real problem was. I never wanted to. I felt conflicted, mixed with some anxiety. I am not used to this combination and it's truly odd.

"A friend??" She asked.

My mind raced. The thoughts that are untangled are useless and the rest that are left is a mess. I sighed.

"I guess, a...er...girl and a friend!."

"Girlfriend!!" She annouced. "Embry's got a girlfriend?. When and how did this happen? He didn't tell me anything about it, yesterday. Where did they meet? Oh and wait why is this!! a PROBLEM. It's such a great news. Embry is now a girlfriend boy, huh? Congratulations to him." She gushed out all at once.

"Yeah!! I guess~~" I said and started to pace abnormally fast towards her car in long strides.

"Jake?!" She jogged to maintain my pace. "You literally think that it's weird talkin' to me about this?"

"Huh, no!! I mean...maybe later." I choked.

She raised her soft, ivory shoulders. "Fair enough!"

We reached her car. "Do I get to drive?"

"Ofcourse not!" She coyed and ducked into the driver's seat.

AGAINST THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now