18.THE END{Jacob}

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There is no victory without suffering

I stood there rigid and immovable;
I found myself incapable of thinking slowly her thoughts flooded away, and there's nothing that could justify the clips of her thought that we all could see without some sort of touch--

....what a strange occurrences it is normally my thought was twisting and turning, suffocating me with their whispers.

I shook my head violently to get my thoughts back on racing down my each nerves.

I wait for them to drive me crazy but everything still lefts me apart.
I glanced upward my mouth slightly hung open with parted lips; my mind played back to flashes of what she saw.


__but it struck on the last image of the woman; there was no golden curls or ivory skin; no piercing green eyes but in her ordinaries she was beautiful..beautiful deep down to her soul .

Whatever happened last night was a great confusion for each one of us;
Unsure what to do next_? Where did her visions go_? How could we even see it_?!

I let a full stop on my thoughts; as I felt more of myself for the thoughts flooding in.

I watch the cloud move in the morning sky kissed into brilliant white by the sun; a suggestion that rain may play a part in the day to come.

"Rose",Edward whispered and before I could even blink the puff of wind billowed through me as Emmette darted in.

Apparently adrenaline is activated through nervous system making my heart beat return; diverting up all my blood to my muscle.

I know the rocks fall away beneath my feet and I feel if I move I could and balance and trip down; within a second I found myself left apart while others darted in to

__ forcing back my each thought___heart pumping, head spinning.. as if every joints protested to even make a slight movement; I stepped forward trying not to trip over or rolled down on something my every muscle craved for relaxation; apparently tears filled me the reason.

But I know I have to move gathering up a huge confidence_ I rushed inside the dark cave which was brilliantly extended by the firm lights.

I grabbed the fingers tightly as it curled up into a fist; the urge to see her was killing me from inside out__ I wanted to see her smiling....listen to her gentle voice....stare back at me through her brown-chocolaty eyes but all I could see here was darkness the cave extended deep down into the earth.

__after I walked further I found her lying on the earthern floor unconscious; a soft smile pressed her mouth that surely suggested victory.
_victory of love__ victory of family above all.

Bella reached up for her and stroked up her; the ache of longing to be with her jolted through the very core of my bones with every spare moments my mind raced.

"She'll be,okay; we should get going as soon as possible,"Carlisle said checking out the throbbing pulse of Leah.

Rose lay there thrashed and exhausted; a gentle smile marks her face fixated on Emmette as his face filled with the ache of very heart that still beats and pumps for her.

It amazes me to think about each one of us; there was a part of joy filled with every smile and every blink.

I pulled my lips into a smile and let out a frightened sob,with tears escaping my eyes.I try to suppress all of my flooding emotion the silence around me was somehow comforting and spoke for itself; it was peaceful in a way that felt comforting no matter what was happening around me.

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