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"Rose!!?! " was all he explained.

His impossibly perfect face was growing paler with every tick of second. His eyes were as wide as they could stretch whereas his mouth hung with lips parted slightly. Carlisle was rarely impulsive, but currently I found it off limits and although he was staring straight at Dad yet he appears not to notice him at all.

My eyes flickered to Dad and I noticed his slender fingers pressed into the skin of his forearms. His whole body was shaking, bones rattled in the constant fear of the future that loomed before him.

"Rosalie is missing!" Dad whispers with unmoving lips, so slow that I wasn't even sure I heard it correct.

I went numb. The tranquility of what loomed before Dad now trailed behind me; where adrenaline floods my system and pumps and beats like it's trying to escape. I felt as if my heart will explode any minute. My body wants to run fast but instead I remain where I am; adrenaline surges so fast that the nasuea raised within me would spit out for I can taste the saliva thickening in my throat; and the beads of sweat trickling down my forehead.

"Nooo-" Emmette shouted storming away. Within another blink I found Dad and Carlisle following him.

Sam glares at the pack. "Quil and Jared go take up on Claire and Kim and bring them here to Emily's." He ordered. "Jacob, Seth follow the Cullen's." He broke off. "Paul and Embry follow me to the forest." And he lunged himself into a black fierce wolf, growling.

By the next second, the other's soon exploded into a huge massive_weights throwing themselves to work.

I found Alice holding off Jasper's hand as if she was planning to stay past. Her eyes were frozen over like  freezing ice. I wanted to reach her and tell her that it isn't 'the end ', that we can still find Rose. I wanted to rekindle her, warm her up and tell her that we are gonna figure this out.

Mom stepped forward. "Alice-" She whispered.  

Alice shook her head gently, "I'll be back. Go_."

"Renesmee-" She gives me a nod and without any obligations, I ran back to the house, feet kissing the land.

Tears blinded me with fear as I ran, the pounding noise of my heart increases as I pace and my heart throbbes inside my chest with thick grief. 

I and Mom soon reached the house and rushed over to step in where we found each one of us gathered in the living_room with grave_expressions.

ROSALIE IS MISSING!! Dad words echoed all around me.

As the reality closed me inside, it robbed my senses and replaced it with a paralyzing fear. My eyes remained open yet seeing nothing at all. I only knew that my eyes were still there because I could feel them blink.

I have never experienced this before but today when I have lost her, my WORLD, my HERO_ materiality sneaks upon me and closes me inside. Every memory of Rose played like a song in my head repeating itself for what seemed like an eternity.

I am lost because I have lost a big part of me. I have lost someone....someone who gave me my life.


The pain takes over a portion of my brain without the efforts of new thoughts.

"I- I...........I" Esme tried to speak but nothing escapes out of her mouth.

Despair. Grief. Lost.

I saw her face turning grey with fear which deadends her mind. It was working as a slow poision to her pure spirit, killing of every emotion that exists until sadness is the only one that remaines. It was like the world was lost and she had nothing with her that would bring it back to focus.

AGAINST THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now