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I saw her...

coming from the shadows still beautiful stealing away my breath and heat from my skin. Seconds passed my brain; taking her in comprehending that she's not one of the picture I keep beside my bed.

That she is real.

My brain can't formulate a thought and if I don't touch her soon my nerves would pop up. I can feel my body shaking, crying for the missed time that I will never get back with her.

She comes to me; her expressions like_it is expecting anger from me, anger that just doesn't exist. For all I have for her is love, all I want is to keep her safe.

So I take the emotions that swirl inside of me and put a stopper on them, not to bottle them forever but instead to keep the love safe until she accepts it.

She cupped my face in her hands, eyes filled with guilt. "Ness! You here?" I asked, unbelieving.

I wrapped my arms around her frail body. The world around me melted as squeezed me back, not wanting the moment to end.

"Yes, I'm here." She whispered. I pulled away.

"Renesmee, I know, you hate me and don't want to see me, but_ I'm sorry. I'm just really so so sorry." I gasped.

She stared at me in silence.

"Please, Renesmee, never leave me again. I am_" I broke off, pleading. "Don't go, not again__" I wanted to speak but all i can do is choke.

My eyes slowly filled with tears, I hugged her once again my tears draining down my cheeks to her dress. Her arms encircled around me making me forget where I was.

"No, no, no, no..I am never ever going to leave you again, Jake." She reassured. " I almost lost once, I won't dare to lose you again. I'm sorry, Jacob. I'm the one who did this." She cried.

"No, its all because of me. You did the very correct____" a strike of pain throbbed violently over my skull flashing the colourful spots. I ignored it.

"You were right, I shouldn't have__" my head throbbed once again. Then suddenly the rest of the world became detached, everything fading into blackness.

"Jake!! You okay?!"

I could barely hear her.

"Jacob!" She cried.

"Hloo, Dad! please sent carlisle to__" I heard her.

Everything blacked out.

I didn't wanted to get up remorsing in pain.

Although it was a dream, I wanted to go back to her. After long days of being alone the pain relaxed. It's the only thing that soothed me. I needed nothing fancier than her smile and a warm hug. I would keep my eyes closed forever if it was only the way to meet her, to be with her. There was a kindness to her smile, a gentleness that heals me.

Slowly I tried to come back to the world where I did not wanted to exist.

Not anymore.

I felt the gentle fingers stroking my hairs, my breathing slowed.

It was hers. She was here.🌹😊

I didn't open my eyes. Although I was completely conscious. Unwilling to let this time be disturbed, I wanted to freeze it here. Forever.

"How you doin'?!" A gental musical voice asked.

My mind was stupid enough to make my every imagination feel real. It was providing everything I did yearned for.

AGAINST THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now