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The pain drained through me like a flowing river cold and unending.

I stared up at Edward to know the reason. I force the tears to stop that were dwelling in my eyes to escape. Edward was staring at me with unblinking eyes as his expression seemed hollow.

Why did she_ I broke off .

A phone call interrupted their slow murmurs. The buzz of the phone felt annoying to me, while Carlisle scooped it up.

'Ok.' Carlisle said and hung up. 'It's Sam. He called to inform that Emily and Kim has been attacked. He wants me to come and check up on them. Their arms are jagged down using sharp nails and whatever the cause is, it's same.' He continued.

Every word he said was clear and it sounded like more of a warning rather than an explanation.

My sadness converted into a sudden hollowness. It felt like my heart has been shattered into thousand of pieces of glass. Wherever there was love, the light, the laughter, everything has just changed into aching hollowness. In this moment, there was no past or future just the living darkness staring at me.

Edward took some step towards me, leaning close to my ears, "She knows the truth." he whispered.

And it took only a fraction of seconds to understand why she was upset. What made her act this way!!??.

It was because I lied. I lied to her.

Bitter. Unforgiving. Painful.

The guilt flushed all over me, and now I realized whatever I had done, I cannot undo it. I can try to make amends but an apology was out of question.

I was trembling, shaking so hard as the waves of pain and guilt washes through me. I didn't know what to do, how to react or what to say, instead I rushed out of the house phasing and let my way. unknown of direction.

Not knowing where I was heading, adrenaline floods my system. It comes and beats like it's trying to escape my body. I wanted to run fast but instead I remained where I was. The only way out of this is to order this brain to function, to demands sanity instead of this
crazy anxiety and guilt.

Suddenly a loud howl carried it self echoing everywhere. The sound of a command. It was Sam.

I turned around and continued my way to La Push.

Jake!!You should apologize to her. Seth suggested.

I think we have more important decisions to make. Jared snapped.

Of course!! I said, sarcastically. My voice filled with anger.

Guys!! it's not a time to fight amongst each other. Embry said. We need act together.

How's Emily and Kim??

Better than before. We took them to the hospital. But the doctors told that the scars will take two to three weeks to be recovered; Leah informed. Sam is there with Emily at home.

What about Kim??Where is she? I asked.

Off the town. At home with her beloved family that is spending every moment scared after the attack and this is what the so-called protectors are doing...deciding whether to apologize or not. Jared rambled.

The flame of anger burned inside me.

That's none of your business, Jared!! I shouted.

AGAINST THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now