17.STAKE {Renesmee}

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We were all abide by the time, for a slight hint of dubiousness or wariness but still after an hour ______we were still waiting.

My fingers held the stake with a great grip, as the fluidity of rage and nervousness flowed over my veins, sending a shiver of panic across my spine.

I took few deep breathes to calm myself. Suddenly I was caught guarded by the immediate surroundings but this time it wasn't the silence that seized my mind; instead it was the slight billowing movement among the trees that made the maple trees shudder.

The night was colder than I'd imagined, with a heavy mass of fog among the woods. Without stirring I casted my eyes at edge of the forest and here it was__

the great surge of heavy wind blew with rapidly increasing strength such that there was every promise of storm during this night. With every elapsing second the wind grew violent, twirling around us, threatening to engulf all of us inside it's evil blackness. The trees writhed and flailed, groaning throughout the forest. The pressure scratched the fog around the forest causing a light patch of it to move away.

_but now at once it all stopped, took over by a sudden sense of silence.

There wasn't the faint sound of gnaw, or scratch or squeak. This silence was of grave. My mind clung to the dead silence of the bonfire night. I recalled the odd occurence of this silence once more that set me up on edge.

The dead silence followed for the space of half a minute followed by a rushing sound among the air which was reigned by the utter silence after that.

No one moves.

We heard a sob, a cry of terror and a cry of help that could melt any one into it and then from the light cluster of fog I caught the sight of a dark shadow. A tall woman, strongly built; which may be seen as an elaborate detailed description as a momentarily glance of it.

At first I jerked back so suddenly that the stake almost dropped off my hand_and a dead terror spread over my face.

My knees shook with graved-terror, I somehow pulled myself together and after a pause of few seconds I stepped forward again, my hand elevated high holding out the stake with tight grip____ as I took the next step.....
The shadow dispersed into the blackness.

What was that?! What I had seen?!

Non-sense!! Was I going to believe that I had seen a ghost?! Non-sense; A thousand times over;

_and then once again the omnious silence fell deep...

Ahrk!! Dad groaned;

As for a fraction of second my eyes flicked to him___and I felt a strong gust of wind grabbed me within it and hurled me on the hard surface as my head flung against a boulder.

__my mind swirled with dizziness, the winds made it impossible to breathe as if I was being suffocated by it without a slight slit on the blanket of huge force.

For a entire half minute my vocals blocked as I could hardly draw a breath. _the world rush by in a blur.

My perception of time distorted....everything slow down until there was nothing except me and the sky that seem to swallow me as a whole.

My hands reached out grasping the tiny wild grass_ but it seemed out of reach as I felt a force that dragged me mercilessly on the grit of stones__every image was in a blur.....a blur that swirled around me out of existence.

I shut my eyes sucking myself into the blackness. I felt my bones and skin rubbing the forest floor in a way they should not.

Aah I groaned in pain_as the fluid diguised in my blood flowed violently over my veins jolting down my spine and every muscle; I have never felt like this; even when everything I wanted was against my will___this rage building up inside me like a deep water currents felt different.

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