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He waved at me; until I totally disappeared. Every now and again I watched him through my rear mirror and I found him waving.

And.......finally I lost view of him.

I wondered if he still stood there, watching the well of darkness? And I laughed. I was actually laughing. I had no idea what was happening to me.

Not for the first time! but today I could really see Jacob as something more than just my best friend. I could see everyday of my future with him...and I wanted, I wanted to stay and be a part of it and sail.

I sank lower in my car's seat as I pulled to my house, my fingers intertwined and drummed at the steering wheel ideally.  Suddenly, I heard a loud thud against the glass.

I was pulled back to reality, "Dad?!"

I shuddered away every thought from my mind, forcing it back with little success. Unfastening my seat belt, I hopped out of the car.

I sighed.

Dad grinned sheepishly. "Welcome back!"

I rolled my eyes and started pacing. Soon the footsteps behind my started following.

"What is it, Dad?" I asked, half irritated.

"What! Am I even not allowed to welcome my lovely daughter to our sweet home?"


He let the door push open as I entered. The house was still and silent.

"Where's everyone?"

"Hunting party!" Dad whispered.

"So it's just the two of us to let the party begin!" Alice skipped forward.

"Sorry! She is busy." Dad said, planting himself ahead of me, his hands folded across his chest.

"I think it's her decision!" Alice argued and turned to me, raising a brow.

Ahem! Ahem!! Jasper appeared out of nowhere.

"And so she decides to spend it with me."

"Ofcourse not!" She disagreed. "It's my turn."

"But you are late!" Dad coyed.

"Nessie! You are not going to leave your aunt tonight. Are you?" She asked, her eyes widened suggesting innocence.

I shook my head, "No..no..I'll come with you!"

"You sidetracked your Dad, Renesmee?" Dad blackmailed, with his golden compelling eyes.

"No!! I didn't~~"

"She is supposed to tell me everything about everything!" Alice chirped, half irritated.

"Wrong!" Dad cocked his head to my side. "She'll share details of details with me."

Alice stepped forward. "So you're not giving up without a war?!"

Jasper coughed abnormally loud.

"Okay!! Stop." I interrupted. "I am supposed to decide this! But after I get freshened up. So for now just sit and relax." I said, exhaling loudly.

I eyed both of them suspiciously as both of them started their silent conversation and started walking up to my room.

"By the way...I like someone's bracelet!" Dad yelled, as I climbed.

Argh!! I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"How could I not notice that!!?" Alice snapped. "Renesmee, you better get down fast or ~"

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