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The calendar showed 11th September, a new day and MY BIRTHDAY.

Alice was out hunting with jasper. Thankfully, I could dress myself up at this time. I went to my closet which looked like some kind of a secret room with lots of drawers. After about half an hour of searching through the "mystery draws" that I do call them; I finally found a floral design frock with net, full sleeve and embroidered small flowers along with a black waist belt pairing it up with the exact shade of blue heels.

 After about half an hour of searching through the "mystery draws" that I do call them; I finally found a floral design frock with net, full sleeve and embroidered small flowers along with a black waist belt pairing it up with the exact shade of b...

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My makeup and hair was pretty much the same as they were in the regular morning except I left my hair loose, only holding a strand with the blue clip.

Now I could hear Alice ordering around, as soon as she returned. I wasn't allowed downstairs. So here I am..... eavesdropping through the door.

"Where do you want this lamp, Alice?!" Mom asked.

"Pass them to Edward." The voice chirpped.

"And what about these?" Jacob questioned hesistantly; keeping Alice's temper as a lot concern.

"I told you. At the corners!" She said half irritated.
"Rose! The banner should have been ready by 9 O' clock and its nine_oh_two now. You are late!!!" She glowered.

"Yeah!! Two minutes. How late." I chuckled, saying to myself.

"Bella, Esme is cooking for Jacob and the pack. Better show her around the kitchen." Alice said.

It's only Jacob and Seth,  and not the pack then why did Alice mentioned about the pack. I shook my head in disbelief.

"At least we can put this kitchen into use." Esme relieved. 

"Esme, I will help Bella, you please keep an eye on those boys ; I just had a vision of one of your vase going to break by one of them." Alice offered.

"Oh my God!!! My vase........."Esme trailed off.

"It's done ; Alice"Dad bleaked.

"It should be at the center!!!"she warned.

"But you thought it on the left? "Dad brooded.

"Get it on the centre!!!."

I heard the feeble_footstep coming upstairs ; soon she knocked against the door and peered inside.

I opened my eyes wide suggesting innocence.

"On the count of three ; you are coming down" she explained.

"Okay!"I agreed.She left throwing the pleasant_yet- "do-it-in-the-way-as-planned" look.

" One_____ two______ three!!!." I Breathed. 

I walled down; as slowly as Alice had told me; I found the overflowing pink balloons everywhere as well as the pink flowers with crafty petal that I couldn't name.

AGAINST THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now