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I felt the smooth wooden floor beneath my knees and the palms of my hands pressed against the skin of my cheeks.

I guessed and hoped that I was fainting , but to my disappointment I didn't lose consciousness ,the waves of pain was crashing over my head.

I realised that I was half-asleep.I opened my eyes in the dark where I could see the dim glow of the lightening clock and vague shadow of the lamp next to it.

Half asleep I am waiting for someone to enter the room and tell me about Alice's vision...

Why don't they understand that I am capable enough of handling anything.... The room had become toasty and by the time I felt like" ok I'm gonna end then and there."

But suddenly there's a knock at the window . I stood there in silence for a moment unsure of what to do, if this something what Alice saw in her visions, or-

I gulped down a big lump choking my throat .My mind started to race, hands trembling slightly as I moved the curtain to the side and saw a shadow waiting for the window to be opened. My heart left my throat.

In panic, I quickly backed away from the window.

'Ouch,Damn it . Ness , I don't want to kill myself falling of your window.' Jake remained tugged from the window.

'What the hell!!!Jake!!' I opened the window and helped him to get inside.

We stood still, silently staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity;

His skin was reflected, silky, flawless, tan colored in the dim glow; where the eyes were deep sets of black in the high plains of his cheek bones ; the messy tousled cropped black hair were so irresistible ; were the most playful smile that vanishes every pain was what I needed now, Yeah I couldn't blame him he was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the general expression of his voice.

I love the way his voice quickens, excitingly when he was struck with some new ideas. I loved to see that kind of face that stops you in your tracks, anywhere, anytime. He is my best friend and I love him.

But yet at the same time in this entire day; each one of them had been alike in one particular way and he too deserves my little temper ( that I find impossible to gather around him).

I pulled my self together keeping aside the distractions that popped up in my mind seeing that sun kissed face.

I turned around to go back to the bed. Seeing the disappointment in my face , he swung his arm around me and I felt like a man being swallowed by a shark; but on the other hand I really needed this,

'Hey!! I'm sorry , Renesmee' he whispered and pulled away.'I know you are mad at me but believe it or not.. it was never my intention to make you feel disappointed. In the first place, why would I do that? Why would I hurt you?!' he said apologetically.

'And even I want you to know whether I do or don't do things that are beyond your expectations ,the thing is that its comes from a place where I always care for you and it will never change; no matter what happens', he continued.

'It's not about apologizing,Jacob' I said

'It's about what you all would never accept, that I am capable enough of handling and fighting with any truth or problems until you all are with me', I tried to sound angrier but terribly failed.

'We are always here for u; always standing at your back to support you or back you up, whenever you will be upset 'Jake replied .

His voice is always so confident, which seems so soothing to me.

AGAINST THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now