18.THE END{Renesmee}

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The sound however did not repeated like earlier and there was no evidence of retreating footsteps.

"Is this you?!",I ran my fingers over the stone carved-painting;_and then someone scoffed close beside me; so close that it must have been actually standing beside me in the darkness.

I gulped down loudly pulling myself together and letting out a huge amount of breathe I turned go look at the dreadful darkness that was left behind.

"_are you here?!",I asked hesistantly as the echoes of my words died away slowly.

"I heard you....you are here".

quiet; she whispered sternly that rose a sudden chilliness through me.

"I __I-" I hesitated.

Shhhhshh_ she slushed me down.

Yes, she hissed _yes it's me.

A terror ful_puff of air invaded in slowly robbing away my self confidence and courage; I collected myself together, running away from this was no longer possible with every minute_I was growing less master of myself and desperate; I have to do something.

Moreover I was taught that the action must be taken against the enemy not away from; it the climax if necessary and unavoidable have to be faced boldly.

The strain of waiting made it even worse__ the silence became awful twisting over my nerves severely.

"_show me yourself",I demanded but before I could move a single inch someone came rushing along the passage blundering horribly; racing madly right down to where I stood, I flatten myself against the wall breathing unevenly.

Anger flushed over me clinging on my nerves

"What do you want?!",I shouted, _"answer me. "

I want myself back, I want her back the voice whispered sternly

I let myself fall on my knees; now this was where I could understand the connections_ my dry lips shape the words,"What are you going to do_?! "

The terror of grave flushed over me like a strong currents which could wipe all of my emotions;as the blood surged violently and certainly spots flashed over my eyes.
.......I saw the dark night outside covering all of them into its effect horrific truth.

Yes; I saw each one of them their graved face's glooming with the faint orange bloom of fire reflecting onto their terrified face.


_and within a timy flicker of my eyes _it all went away....the clinking of chains ecohed repeatedly.

I breathed; in an attempt to take in about What was that_?! How could I_?!

__my eyes opened wide; while my mouth hung slightly open with lips parted with each other my eyes etched on the wall hardly noticing it.

"Renesmee", a toneless brittle voice called.

I got up to my feet running over to the direction of the voice; reaping the strong false that my mind clung to it's familiarity and brokeness against mine.

"_Rose Or Leah; is anyone of you here_?!" I stumbled back along the path.

"Renesmee; save me",the critically broken low voice called altered to the direction of where I was heading.

"Save me", those words felt now definingly near.

"Help me",now it was just a distant_whisper from far-far away.

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