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With each step and effect of foot fall I tried not to think about where I am heading _or where I will be when there are no more steps to take...with every step I took, it felt as if the twilight is turned into blackness even though there is a full moon shining in the velvet sky.

I looked at her as she was walking with unusually slow_ robotic steps; as if her brain was struggling to take each step.

My body shuddered. I could feel my brain starting to defocus searching for a way out...there has to be a way out of this hell?!!!. I let out a shrill howl out of my mouth. The forest which used to be once so alive for me had grown absolutely silent.

We reached to the northern head of the forest, as Renesmee stepped forward totally determined and confident about the plan.

Jasper handed her a sharply carved wooden stake. "_Careful" he whispered.

She nodded and took a small step away from us.

Suddenly I felt my visions blurred. But not because tears were dwelling up or I felt dizzy. Even though I was totally conscious, everything became fuzzy as if it was consumed and flooded and___I saw nothing at all.

My heart pounded loudly, I felt my body draining away until my visions returned. I looked at Edward, his face strained to a puzzle and then he flicked to me.

What is it?! I thought

He shook his head in disbelief.

I let out a shaky breath; reminding myself to breathe. Although *my life * was at risk, I had to keep myself safe. I will have to fight until "the end" to keep her alive. My eyes travelled to the edges of the forest which appeared dark like an old painting.

How can I let her do this?! I shook my head rapidly disallowing the thought to get the best off me. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. I stepped back to hide myself among the woods__waiting for something suspicious.


_After an hour, we were still waiting. The flooding of my visions continued now and then and each time I close my eyes shut_everything got more evident after I stretch it back open.

Suddenly, the strong fury of wind billowed us all and then throughout the forest with a powerful passion shoving all the trees and uprooting the shrubs.

I grew strong*against the wind* , muscles working all the more holding up the gravity.

I am okay with it. I thought to myself.

The wind howled through every conifer growing violent and then after a moment_everything stopped.

I never took my eyes off her...she stood still, her eyes wide-open, there was a caution in her bravery.

Unblinking. Fearful. Trembling.

The forest grew abnormally silent as if every shattering of leaves was put on a pause. I took a step ahead_ suddenly we heard a terrored sob, an ominously dark figure appeared from inside the woods. I walked two steps forward; with a tiny flicker of my eyes and then___ it was lost or gone?!

 I walked two steps forward; with a tiny flicker of my eyes and then___ it was lost or gone?!

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