Chapter 4

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It had been two more days and we still weren't getting anywhere. The pastors alibi for all of the murders checked out so we had to release him. Surprisingly enough however, no more girls had gone missing while we were there. That is until two days later.

At 8AM I got a call from JJ saying we had to go meet at the station because another girl had gone missing.

Shit. I remember thinking to myself.

As I got dressed, I realized how little sleep I had gotten the past few nights. This job really did pay its tolls.

When I opened my door Morgan and Reid were standing there, seemingly waiting for me so they could leave.

"Took you long enough", Morgan joked.

"Is this how all of the new BAU members are treated during their first case?" I responded sarcastically. "Thanks for waiting for me though, appreciate it."

"No problem, it was pretty boy's idea over here", Morgan said, messing up Reid's floppy hair.

Reid blushed and gave me that tight-lipped smile he seemed to always give at any given moment.

As we made our way to the black SUVS, I realized how much I needed coffee and let out a loud groan. Reid seemed to immediately notice and as if reading my mind, said,

"Don't worry the crappy police station coffee is waiting for us when we arrive."

I smiled. His little comments were the best.

Right when we arrived at the station, everyone seemed to be in a hurry, Hotch included.

"What's going on?" I asked running quickly over to Hotch followed by the rest of the team shortly after.

"We found our guy", Hotch said bluntly. "Garcia got a hit on our latest victims location because she turned her cellphone on. We don't know who is keeping her hostage but we know where she is and we have to act now. Suit up everyone."

As I put my FBI vest on I felt a rush of adrenaline through my body. My first time going into the field. I was so nervous, yet anticipated the feeling of finally being able to catch the bad guy. Ever since my dad died, I always knew this is what I needed to do. Save the people who killed innocents, like what happened to dad. I was ready.

And with that, we were off, I drove with Emily, Reid, and Rossi while Morgan, Hotch, and JJ followed behind us. When we got there. Hotch instructed Me, Ried, and Emily to take the back while the rest of them went through the front. Emily kicked the door down while me and Reid followed her inside the back of the house, rushing into rooms yelling "clear", when no one was inside. Suddenly I heard movement from underneath us.

"Guys, do you hear that? Everyone stop." I said a little too harshly.

Everyone stopped to listen.

"Underneath the house", Hotch stated abruptly.

"There is no basement here though", JJ said confused.

Me and Reid both looked at each other and in unison confidently said,

"The cellar."

As we ran outside I explained the cellar we saw in the backyard as we entered the house before. When we got there Morgan managed to force the doors open.

"FBI!" Morgan yelled as he went down the cellar stairs.

As Morgan, Reid, and I went down the stairs, it became obvious that the rest of the team was waiting upstairs in case the unsub tried to escape or wasn't there. However, that's when we saw him, with his latest victim.

"Put your gun down NOW!" The unsub yelled at Morgan who was directly facing the unsub as Reid and I stood back.

To our shock, the unsub was Alexander Wells, Reid's childhood pastor. I looked over at Reid who seemed to be in absolute shock. I tried to focus on the pastor but I couldn't help but care for Reid.

"It's fine, go up." I said to Reid quietly as Morgan was attempting to talk down the pastor.

"No, I am not leaving you here with him", Reid said extremely matter-of-factly.

Instead of arguing with the fact that Morgan was here I just said okay and focused my attention back to Wells. He had managed to take Morgan's gun from him and had the guns towards the girl's head screaming,

"I'll shoot her, I swear to god I'll do it!"

"No you won't." I said arrogantly, walking towards him slowly, putting down my gun. "You won't shoot her because that's not why you've killed these under age girls. You killed them because of your need for power, your need for dominance. You kill and have sex with your vicitm's bodies because in your everyday life you can't get any."

"SHUT UP!" he screamed in my face.

"Are you really gonna shoot her Alex? Seriously? Don't you understand how weak that makes you? That's just taking the easy way out. I thought you like to strangle your victims Alex? Huh? What's wrong with you?"

"SHUT UP!", the pastor lunged towards me, letting go of the girl, as I quickly reached for my gun shooting him right in the head.

And just like that it was over. My first case. And I had got the bad guy. I couldn't believe I had just talked him down like that, especially since we had little to no profile to begin with- even the profile we gave to the local PD was general.

"Good work girl genius", Morgan said, patting me on the back.

"Thanks", I said out of breath.

As we made our way out of the cellar and medics made their way down to the cellar to help the girl and get the body of the pastor, Hotch right away took me aside. Was I in trouble? Did I do something wrong?

"Dr. Mills, I am quite impressed on the way you've handled this case. You came in having to start on a case right away and it is very rare that a new agent has to do this much on their first case in the BAU. Keep up the good work."

I smiled.

"Thank you so much Sir! And please, call me Jo." I said, smiling even wider.

"Well Jo there is one more thing. You and Dr. Reid. I know it is early and you are getting to know each other but it seems like he has become quite fond of you."

I gulped. What was happening right now.

"Just assure me that if he does ask you out that you say yes, he needs someone like you", he said jokingly but definitely meant it.

"Is that an order Sir?" I said, laughing.

"Yes it is Agent."

"Dr." I corrected him.

"See, you and Reid have a lot in common." We both laughed.

"That we do."

"Oh and rest assured I won't tell Strauss, unless I must." He gave me that boss-like glare, but I brushed it off and laughed.

It was funny the way I had only known Spencer Reid for a few days now and it seemed like everyone was shipping us. I mean even my boss did! Although it was honestly bind-boggling, I understood it. We were so similar, and he was so cute. The way his nose fit perfectly onto his face, and the way he couldn't talk for hours on end about what he is passionate about. I mean what's not to like?

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