Chapter 2

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With that everyone gave a nod of acceptance and began to grab their to-go bags and get ready for their new case, and my first case.

As I walked towards the elevator, Reid ran up next to me and clicked the elevator button as we stood there in an awkward silence. After a few seconds I decided I should probably say something.

"So MIT huh? What were those three PHDs in? I actually have three myself."

"What? No way! I have three PHDs in Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics, along with three BAs in-"

"Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy?"

"What? How'd you know that?"

"That is actually exactly what I have too, PHDs and BAs."

"In the exact same majors?"




We both looked at each other with a sheepish grin as the elevator doors opened and we got inside. Again, that weird feeling in my stomach began to make me feel light headed. What are the chances we could be so similar? As we rode the elevator in silence, he blurted out as the doors opened,

"I actually have an eidetic memory too, that's why I ramble, I simply have too much information stored in my brain", he said with a small laugh.

"No need to defend yourself Spence, and hey that's actually awesome, I have a photographic memory which I guess isn't as impressive but it's still something."

"What are the odds we both have advanced brains? And also, it is quite impressive, never try to let yourself think that way, even though I know I have."

I let out a small laugh as we exited the elevator and then remembered what I meant to ask him.

"Hey, I meant to ask, what's the deal with you and Las Vegas, everyone looked directly at you when Garica mentioned our case is there."

He got red and turned away as he spoke, looking forwards instead of at me like he had been doing.

"I am, uh, actually from Las Vegas", he cleared his throat, "my mom is there now, she stays at the Bennington Sanitarium in Las Vegas for her schizophrenia."

As he began talking more about his mom and I merely listened, I realized how although they were obviously close, this wasn't something he should be talking about with a total stranger so I decided to try and make the conversation more light hearted.

"Are you going to visit her while you're here?" I asked as we entered the BAU private jet.

"Yeah defiantly, I haven't seen her in a while actually so it'll be nice to finally get some time with her."

"Awesome", I said with a smile.

Spencer smiled back and then seemingly remembered something from our conversation from before.

"You know no one calls me Spence", he stated with that small tight-lipped smile, placing his bags on the floor in front of him.

"So, get used to it", I answer slyly.

Emily and JJ seemed to notice our exchange right away and decided to sit away from us, giving me subtle nods and smiles throughout the entire plane ride.

This was going to be interesting.

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