Chapter 25

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I woke up early the next morning on a mission. Today was the day where I found out whether or not I was pregnant. Since we had to be in the office at 9AM, I woke up at around 7AM, this way Reid wouldn't notice I was gone. I slipped on a kimono and some sneakers and quietly left the apartment and went to the drug store down the street to buy a pregnancy test.

I bought the test, which is way too much money by the way, and headed for home, darting towards our apartment in hopes that Reid hadn't woken up.

As I entered the doorway, I was greeted by no other than Spencer Reid.

"Where'd you go?" Reid asked as I quickly made my way inside.

"Just had to get some feminin products!" I said loudly as I made my way to the bathroom.

"Since it's early do you wanna get some breakfast at the diner down the street?" Reid yelled from the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah sure!" I yelled back, "Let me just change real quick!"

Dammit. Now I had to wait until after work to take the test.


After I hid the pregnancy test in the cabinet below the sink behind all of my tampons, I got dressed quickly in some slacks and tucked in a dark pink crew neck, slapping on some light makeup and put my hair in a high ponytail.

"Looking beautiful Dr. Mills," Reid said as I entered the living room.

I smiled.

"You too Dr. Reid," I said, walking up to him and giving him a quick kiss.

"I'm beautiful?" He asked, slightly laughing.

"Yes. And I stand by that."

We both laughed and left our apartment. We decided we wanted to walk to breakfast since it was such a beautiful day outside, and it was honestly so refreshing.

Just walking in silence with the man I loved, our hands interlocked with each other. There was something about that moment that gave me butterflies. If I was pregnant, I could imagine my life with him, forever. Reid was an amazing person, there was no doubt in my mind that he'd be an even better father. The way he cared for others and put their needs before his own, his kids will be luckiest kids ever one day. Maybe even one day soon.

Breakfast was relaxing. We talked about the most random things, Reid bringing up random facts about just about anything that came up in conversation, as I just sat back and listened.

At around 8:30, we decided to get the check and head down to the office early. Since today was going to be a paperwork day, it was better to get there early so we could possibly get out before 5PM, (and so I can finally find out if I'm freaking knocked up).

When Reid and I walked through the door, JJ and Emily rushed to my side, giving small glances, wondering if I knew if I was pregnant yet. When they saw that Reid looked extremely confused, they pulled me aside.

"So," JJ started, "Are you??"

I laughed.

"So I'm guessing you two talked."

"Barely," Emily said, "I overheard your guys' conversation on the jet and told JJ I knew so she could talk about it with someone."

I laughed again, I loved these girls.

"I didn't get a chance to take it. Reid woke up early this morning and asked to go get breakfast and I didnt want to look suspicious."

"Ughh," Emily said, "I NEED to know."

"YOU need to know Em? How do you think I feel? I've been carrying this on my shoulders for days."

"Are you gonna take it later?" JJ asked.

"Yeah, right after work. I canNOT wait any longer." I said with a laugh.

"Good, just make sure it's like, RIGHT after work," Emily said suspiciously.


"Just do it before tonight." JJ added with a wink.

"What's tonight?" I asked, confused.

"Oh nothing," Emily said, "but you never know what could happen."

I looked at them suspiciously.

What were they up to?

The rest of the day went by slowly, Reid and I getting some sandwiches down the street for lunch and spending they rest of the day doing paperwork.

"I literally HATE paperwork with my entire being," I said, rolling my chair over to Morgan.

"You and me both Mills," he said with a sigh.

"You almost done?" I asked him.

"Yeah, just a few more things to finish up, you?"

"Same here," I signed, "I just wanna go homeeee."

"What're your plans for later?" Morgan asked me with a strange look on his face.

"I have no clue. I'm assuming I'll do something with Spence, maybe go see a movie or something."

He smirked at me and let out a small chuckle.

"Well have fun kid, you deserve it."

"Thanks?" I said, turning back into my chair.

Why was everyone acting so weird?

When 5PM came around, Reid and I both finished our paperwork and got ready to head home.

"See you guys next week!" Rossi said, coming out of his office as we left, "Have a great weekend!!"

"You too Rossi," I said with a laugh.

The rest of the team rejoiced in saying goodbye to us and telling us they hoped we had a great weekend.

"Oh I love you two so much!" Garcia said, coming out of her office as we went towards the elevator. "Have a great weekend my sweets!!"

As we entered the elevator, I turned to Reid.

"Dude, what is WITH everyone today?"

"I have no clue," Reid said with a laugh, "I guess they're just happy we're together."

I gave a curious look. He seemed to be telling the truth.

"Yeah.. I guess."

When we got to our apartment, Reid turned to me, an excited look in his eyes.

"Jo, go get changed into something fancy."

"Huh?" I asked him.

"I have a surprise date for us tonight, but it's at a super fancy place, so you'll have to pull out a nice outfit," he said, smiling wide.

"Awe Spence!" I gave him a small kiss, "Okay! What time is our reservation?"

"6:30. Which I did in order to give you plenty of time to get ready, which I know you have told me on multiple occasions you need."

"That I do," I said laughing and giving him another kiss.

I then entered our bedroom, my heart beating out of its chest. Before I got ready for any date night, I had to take the test. This was actually perfect though. If I WAS pregnant, I could tell him there, making the night even more magical.

I quickly darted towards the bathroom, grabbing the pregnancy test and right away peed on the stick. I was so nervous, I don't know if I could quite explain what was going through my head at that exact moment.

A few minutes later, I closed my eyes, nervously grabbing the test, not knowing what exactly I wanted the results to be. As I opened my eyes, I suddenly felt light headed. Was this what I wanted?

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