Chapter 20

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As we pulled into Rossi's humongous driveway, I looked at his home in awe. Yes, I'd been there already on multiple occasions, but it still amazed me how beautiful it was. It literally fit Rossi to a T, extravagant and larger than life.

Before I had the chance to open my car door, Reid sprinted around the hood of the car and opened it for me.

"What a gentleman," I commented, as if I was in an old 50s movie, reaching my hand to his open palm.

"Anything for malady," he giggled slightly at the tone of my voice.

I laughed at his attempt to follow my bit.

"Oh sweetie," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek as he shut the car door, "we'll work on that."

We both laughed.

Reid was wearing a suit for a change, giving him a super sophisticated and sexy look. This tux wasn't the only thing that had changed about Reid recently. Ever since we had this case about an unsub targeting a child around three months ago, he had become, although he was still shy, awkward sweater vest loving Reid, a lot more dominant and confident around me and in the field. During the case, he formed a really close bond with the kid, and in doing so, became super attached. When the unsub tried killing the kid in front of Reid, he fought the unsub like I hadn't seen before. He was tough, strong, brave, and confident. I liked to think that I also played a part in this newer and more confident Reid, although his personality was really only more confident when we were together and when he was fighting the bad guys.

When we got to the front door, without even ringing the doorbell, the door swung open.

"You're late," a drunken Rossi said.

"I know, I know, we got a little distracted," Reid said as I playfully hit his side.

"Well we're here now, and I am dying to get drunk," I added.

We all laughed.

As we entered Rossi's home, we were greeted by the rest of the team.

"Yay, oh, oh they're here! Jo, you have to try this drink I made. It's a little spicy for some reason but I actually think it came out pretty good!" Garcia said as she greeted me.

I watched as JJ, Morgan, Emily, Hotch, and Rossi gave a concerned look.

"I think I'll pass," I said with a giggle.

"Ugh, alright," Garcia pouted over dramatically, "Reid?"

Morgan laughed.

"C'mon we all know pretty boy doesn't drink."

Reid rolled his eyes.

"Morgan, how many times do I need to tell you. It is a known fact that alcohol can lead to-"

"I'm going to get a drink," I interjected, motioning for JJ, Garcia, and Emily to follow.

When we got to Rossi's bar on the outside patio, I was immediately bombarded with questions.

"Soo," JJ started, searching my face for some sort of answer, "how are things with Reid?"

Of course we were gonna talk about this.

"Oh, you know, the same as they've been for the past year," I said in an attempt to get the subject off of me.

I hated being the center of attention.

"Oh come on Jo, give us something," Emily pleaded.

"Pleeeease Jo. I am dying to live vicariously through your love life," Garcia added.

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