Chapter 18

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"Jo? Jo, is that you?"

I could barely speak above a whisper at this point.

"Spencer?" I mustered out.

I heard him gasp, along with whispers from the rest of the team lingering in the background.

"Jo," he sounded like he was crying, "where are you?"

"I don't know, but I don't think I have a lot of time. It's, it's Noah. He went upstairs and I think he's going to kill me."

Reid was silent.

"I'm in a.. basement. I'm c-cold. I c-can barely move. Please Spencer. I need yo-"

I blacked out.

The next thing I knew, I was woken up by a loud, familiar scream.

"FBI!" I heard Morgan scream from above me.

Although I was excited and relieved to hear the familiar voices, I couldn't move anymore. I was beginning to feel my body give up.

Barely being able to see what was going on, I began to see Noah's figure stand in front of me with a gun to my head. My heart began to race. I was so close. So close to being saved.

Please save me.

Noah laughed at my weakness.

"Goodbye, Josephine," he cocked his gun, "I'll always love you."

Right before I thought my life was over, a familiar voice came from behind me.
"Oh no you don't," Emily said assertively as she shot him right in the forehead.

I tried to say her name and thank her but I couldn't manage it.

I needed to get out of here.

However, when the team all came rushing to my aid, I mustered out the only thing I cared about,

"Where's Spencer?" I let out with a breathy voice.

"I'm right here," I turned to my left where I heard his voice, tears filling both of our eyes.

"We need Medic now!" I heard JJ yell from behind me.

Then, I blacked out again.


The next I knew, I woke up in a hospital. Feeling groggy but much better than before, I opened my eyes to see Reid sleeping in the chair next to my bed.

He looked so peaceful.

"Spence?" I said in a low whisper.

He woke up immediately.

"Jo, oh my god. Thank god you're okay," he came to my bedside, standing over me.

"How long was I out for?" I asked, feeling a headache coming on.

"Just a couple hours," he said, stroking my hair. "The doctors gave you some medicine that helps hydrate you and gave you nutrients. Did he feed you at all when he took you?"

"No," I felt like crying, "he barely gave me water either," I was crying now, "I thought I was going to die Spencer. I really did," my voice began to crack, "I called out your name. I didn't want to lose you. I couldn't die without telling you how I feel." He looked at me longingly, tears streaming down his face.

"I love you Spencer Reid," I said, reaching my hand towards his soft face.

He smiled, more tears began to rush down his cheeks.

"I love you too Jo Mills," he said back immediately, a slight chuckle behind his voice.

As Reid and I moved in to kiss, my mother, grandmother, and best friend Cindy all came rushing into the room seeing that I was awake.

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