Chapter 9

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When I got home, I got ready for my lunch with Noah. I was honestly really dreading this. As I said, we broke up because he wanted me to quit my dream career to be with him. Although I did love my relationship with Noah to begin with, I would never choose a boy over my career and the fact that he wanted me to choose was a deal breaker for me. He was away for weekends at a time and expected me to be okay with it but when I wanted to pursue my own career he rejected the idea? It didn't make any sense to me.

As I dressed in a casual outfit, jeans and a t-shirt tucked into my pants, I looked at myself in the mirror and looked at my wavy blonde hair and minimal makeup look. Something I took pride in was my ability to look good without a shit ton of makeup on. I was only twenty seven years old, but most women my age tended to always put way too much makeup on. For me, a little concealer and mascara was enough for me to feel confident in myself.

I walked out the door, nervous about lunch with Noah. He had texted me that he wanted to meet me at the Rose Garden Cafe, a local cafe in the middle of Quantico, Virginia, where me and the rest of the team lived.

When I arrived he was already sitting at an outdoor table, waiting for me.

"Hey," I said awkwardly, waving at him.

I felt like Reid. I laughed slightly.

"Hey Jo," he said smiling, as he watched me sit down in front of him.

"So, what're you gonna order?" I said, trying to make conversion before we got to the main conversation of the day.

"I don't know. Can we talk? I feel like you don't even want to be here," he said, slightly annoyed.

"Noah, we broke up almost a year ago, I've moved on. I love my job. What else is there to discuss?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"You could've stayed with me Jo, I thought we had something good. I'm a doctor I can provide for you."

I stared at him. Was he joking? I leaned forward, talking at almost a whisper. I felt like I was interrogating an unsub.

"Noah, I can provide for myself. You may be a doctor, but I am a trained SSA FBI Agent who also happens to have three PHDs. I am a doctor too, don't forget."

"Whatever Jo. I'm leaving tomorrow so let me know if you change your mind."

I stood up abruptly from the table, suddenly extremely angry.

"Noah, the whole world doesn't revolve around you. I am tired of you treating me like I can't function on my own. I did this all by myself. I am saving lives just like you, so don't you dare try to belittle me."

I was on the verge of tears, I forgot how toxic he was. When he looked around, I realized I was making a scene but I didn't care, I needed to get out of there.

"Sit down, let's talk about this,"  Noah said quietly, yet with force.

"No. Please don't contact me. I'm done," I said walking away, my voice cracking towards the end.

I ran to my car immediately breaking down and crying as I got into the driver's seat. I needed to talk to someone. I couldn't just sit here crying. I was so stupid. I knew what Noah was like. He always had to be the dominant one in any sort of situation, that's why he became a doctor. When we first met he was so different. It's crazy how much someone changes when you really get to know them.

Knowing I needed someone to talk to, I immediately called Emily. While I would usually call my best friend Cindy, she lived back in my hometown, Bristol, Indiana. So, I called Emily, tears in my eyes. When she picked up, I didn't say anything, instead I just bursted out in tears.

"Jo, are you okay? Jo?" Emily said, extremely worried.

"Can I come over?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"I'm sending you my address now," she said right away.

"Thank you," I said, still crying.

"Call me when you're here," She said calmly.

"Okay, thanks again," I said, starting to calm down.

"Always Jo," she hung up the phone.

When I arrived at Emily's I called her like she said to do and she came outside and put her arm around me without saying a word. We walked up to her apartment, which was super nice, (as to be expected from Emily Prentiss), and she immediately got me a glass of water.

"What happened?" She asked me, handing me the water.

After that I told her everything. To the last detail. I told her about me and Noah's relationship, how he treated me, what he was doing the past two days, and I told her about Reid and I and how we felt about each other.

Accepting what I said, Emily just sat there and listened patiently. God, she was the best.

After I finished my rant, Emily spoke up.

"Honestly Jo, you and Reid would make such a wonderful couple. I have never seen him act this way around anyone, let alone a girl. And I remember you telling me how awkward you were around guys as well. I don't even see you being slightly uncomfortable around him at all," she said smiling.

I could help but laugh, she was totally right.

"And as for this Noah guy, Jo he sounds awful. I know you said he was your first real relationship but hey, you can use that to your advantage. Now you know what kind of guy is wrong for you," she said laughing, making me feel so much better.

She gave me a reassuring look and rubbed my arm.

"Thanks Em, you have no clue how much this means to me," I said, smiling.

"No problem. Now, we are leaving at seven o'clock for drinks and I know that tonight will make you feel much better. What're you wearing?"

"I don't know, jeans and a cute shirt?"

"Oh honey, let me give you a tight dress. You deserve to flaunt yourself for Dr. Reid," she said with a smirk.

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