Chapter 19

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I woke up slowly, turning to where Reid usually slept, noticing he wasn't in bed. Darting my eyes around the bedroom, I couldn't find him. Jumping out of bed, I began to worry. Reid never woke up before me, where was he?

As I left the bedroom, I spotted Reid standing in the kitchen, burning the breakfast he was attempting to make.

"Jo!" he squealed, his voice went up two octaves, "I was trying to surprise you with breakfast in bed," he said, sounding slightly disappointed.

"Clearly you're doing a great job," I said sarcastically, motioning to the burning pancakes and toast in front of Reid as I walked towards him.

Reid laughed as I moved closer to him, putting my hands through his now slightly longer and shaggier hair.

"Let's go out to eat, my treat," he said finally, accepting defeat.

It had been a year since I joined the BAU and life was good. Cases came and went, but Reid and I were better than ever. After around five months of dating, we decided to move in together, considering he basically lived at my apartment on the weekends anyways. The team remained the same as well, our friendships growing closer and closer as time went on.

After the Noah case, I stayed out of the field for around three weeks until I was cleared to go back. Honestly, being away from work was awful. During those three weeks, although they were filled with Reid waiting on me when he was at my apartment and a LOT of sex, all I wanted was to get back to work.

Thankfully though, I did soon enough and everything was back to the way it was. The team welcomed me back with open arms, Garcia especially, and right away I got back to work. Being able to do the job I loved with the people I loved made it even more special being there, and with Reid by my side, I knew I was gonna be okay.


After breakfast, Reid and I simultaneously got a text from Rossi.

"Dinner at La Casa di Rossi tonight. Dress to impress. 5pm sharp. DO NOT BE LATE!"

"I guess we're going to Rossi's tonight," Reid said with a laugh as we walked back to our apartment from breakfast.

I laughed back.

"I mean, do we even have a choice?"

Reid shook his head.

"Definitely not," he laughed, grabbing my hand.

"So," I signed, "what'd wanna do today," I began swinging our linked arms.

"I've got a few ideas," Reid said with a smirk.

"You've become way too comfortable around me Doctor," I said, smiling sarcastically.

"Isn't that the point?" his voice raised at the end of the question as he laughed.

"I guess so," I said sarcastically.

"You're the worst," he let go of my hand dramatically.

"You love me," I teased, grabbing his hand back to where it rightfully belonged.

"That I do."

When we got back to our apartment, we both threw our bags down and immediately kissed each other. As his big hands grabbed the sides of my face, I moved closer to his body, closing the gap between us. As he deepened the kiss, his hands roughly grabbing my hair, we started to move towards the bedroom. Opening the door, Reid pushed it open and picked me up, allowing me to wrap my legs around him as we continued making out. He pulled away for just a moment, staring at me.

"I love you," he said innocently.

"I love you too."

He gave me a soft smile.

I stared into his eyes longingly.

"Now shut up and kiss me."


When it was around 3:30, Reid and I started to get ready. Showering together so we could save time, it was difficult not to jump Reid's bones right then and there.

As Reid began to wash my body, I heard a familiar voice coming from the living room.

"Yo!" Morgan yelled out, "Anyone home?"

Reid and I looked at each other, bursting out into laughter.

Why on earth did I think it was a good idea to give Derek Morgan a spare key to our apartment?

"Of course he comes NOW," I said, quickly rinsing my body off, hopping out of the shower.

Reid laughed, following my motions.

With our towels on, Reid and I exited the bathroom into the bedroom and made our way into the living room.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Morgan laughed, gesturing to the towels around our bodies.

"What'd you want Morgan?" Reid asked, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Well right now, all I wanna know is what the hell you guys were doin' in there," he laughed, obviously trying to get a rise out of us.

"Showering. Now what do you want," I asked, laughing at the situation.

"My man," Morgan said, slapping Reid on the back slightly.

Reid grinned and looked down smiling.

"Morgan cmon, we have to get ready for Rossi's and I think that if we show up late he'll be our next unsub," I laughed.

Morgan and Reid laughed in response.

"I think I left my watch here last weekend when the team came over dinner. I wanted to wear it with my outfit tonight."

"Oh you mean the watch we threw out?" Reid said, trying to get me to go along with his ongoing prank war with Morgan.

"Are you kidding me?" Morgan asked, darted his eyes between the two of us.

We had no time for this.

"He's joking," I rolled my eyes dramatically at the two of them. "I left it on the kitchen counter next to where the little bowl with our car keys are."

Morgan grabbed his watch and thanked us.

"Later love birds," he said with a smirk as he opened the front door.

Once Morgan left, Reid and I started to get ready. I decided to go with my tight lavender dress with thin straps at the top, complimenting my body perfectly. I put on some light makeup as usual, nothing crazy, and straightened my hair with little curls at the end. When I walked out of the bathroom, Reid smiled.

"Wow," he coughed, "you, uh," he cleared his throat, "you look stunning."

I laughed at his awkwardness.

"Spencer Reid we have been dating for a year and you seriously just become all the sudden nervous around me?"

"I can't help it," he became so defensive it was almost comical, "you're literally the most beautiful girl in the world, how am I supposed to act?"

He put his hands around my torso.

I blushed.

"See," he whispered, "even I, Spencer Reid, king of awkwardness, has the ability to make confident Jo Mills flustered."

"How much time do we have until we have to be there?" I asked, staring at his lips.

"Ten minutes and thirteen seconds," he responded looking at his watch.

"That's enough time," I whispered, grabbing his tie and kissing him passionately.

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