Chapter 17

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It had been nearly ten hours and the team still had nothing. Reid felt like he was going insane.

"How can we still have nothing?" Reid asked angrily.

"We have almost nothing to go off of Reid," Emily said, trying to calm him down.

"Yeah Reid, Garcia couldn't even track this guy. He's using disposable cell phones and burner phones all over the place," Morgan added calmly.

"We need something! I can't do this. I gotta get out of here. I need to find her,"  Reid yelled as he aggressively threw the marker at the white board, going towards the door.

"Reid c'mon," JJ stopped him, "we need to stay here and use our brains to find her. Okay?"

"No Jennifer," Reid moved back towards the board, "it's not okay. In fact it is so not okay, I don't understand how you guys can even bear to sit here and try to look for something you're not gonna find! We've been digging for hours, nothing! Literally, nothing! While his profile is accurate, we had no clue as to where she could be! We checked the storage units the other girls were found in. Nothing. Nothing! We looked at places they'd been together, LITERALLY NOTHING", Reid was screaming at this point, his arms waving around wildly.

"Reid, calm down," Morgan started.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down Derek? I won't calm down. In fact, I refuse and you wanna know why? Huh? Do you? Because I love her! I am so in love with her and I never got to tell her! And if we don't find her or if we find her too late, I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself!" Reid was now sobbing, the hardest yet.

Instead of arguing, Morgan, JJ, and Emily all went in to hug their hurting friend.

Then, as if on cue, Reid got a call from a random number.

Right away, Emily got her phone out and called Garica, telling her to be prepared to trace a call.

Reid's heart skipped a beat.

"Hotch!" He yelled out.

Hotch and Rossi ran into the room as Reid answered the phone.

"Jo? Jo is that you?"

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