Chapter 7

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Just as both Reid and I were going in for another kiss, I heard a knock on the door, causing me to jump in response.

"You have got to be kidding me", I said annoyed.

"It's two in the morning, who could possibly be at your door right now?" Reid asked, suddenly yawning.

"I have no clue, I'll be right back. Do not MOVE", I said jokingly.

Reid laughed and put his arms up in defense as I went to go answer the door. The fact that someone literally had to come to my apartment right now in the middle of the night when I was about to finally get some was so annoying. Literally any other time would've been okay. When I opened the door I stood there in disbelief of who was standing in front of me.

"Jo, hey."

There stood my tall, lanky, blonde haired ex boyfriend, with a slight smile on his face.

"Uh, Noah, what're you doing here?" I said quietly, trying to make sure Reid couldn't hear.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I am here for the weekend lecturing for work and I just needed to see you."

"Noah, it's two in the morning and this is honestly a really bad time," I paused thinking. "Do you maybe want to get lunch tomorrow or something, we can talk?"

"That sounds great. I've missed you Josephine", he said smiling.

"You too," I answered with a fake smile.

After that I closed the door and signed in relief. What the hell was going on? I finally find someone I am genuinely interested in and have millions of things in common with, and my ex boyfriend shows up out of nowhere asking to talk? Seriously?

As I went back to the guest bedroom, Reid was sitting there, playing with his fingers. When he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Everything okay?" He asked genuinely.

I hesitated. I wasn't sure if I should tell him who was at the door and honestly, I was too tired to have to deal with this right now.

"Uh yeah, it's all good, just some person down the hall who got locked out of their room but they figured it out."

"Did they find their key?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah it was um", I coughed, "under their mat, they just couldn't find it at first I guess", I said with a fake laugh.

God I was an awful liar. I could tell he knew I was lying too. I mean after all, he was a profiler. But I decided to ignore it. At this point I just wanted to go to sleep. I wasn't really sure where my head was at.

"Spence, I think I'm gonna go to sleep, I'm super tired all the sudden", I said with a yawn.

"Me too. I mean, it is two in the morning," he said with a small grin.

I chuckled.

"That it is, Doctor," I said smiling.

As I went to leave the room, I suddenly felt my heart quicken. I didn't want to leave him. I wanted to stay with him all night. But it felt weird to just say, oh hey can I sleep with you tonight? Yeah no way was I going to say that to Reid.

Almost reading my mind, once again, Reid spoke up with a slight voice crack in his voice saying,


I turned around.

"Do you maybe want to uh, sleep here tonight? I don't know if that's weird or no-"

"Yes," I said quickly, jumping into bed next to him, causing him to laugh.

When I got into bed he quickly went into the bathroom to change into the clothes I gave him and then went under the covers next to me. It was sweet the way he didn't expect anything from me or even ask who was at the door, since I was clearly lying. He just laid there next to me grinning and said,

"Goodnight Jo."

"Goodnight Spence," I responded, smiling into my pillow.

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