Chapter 6

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When we pulled up to his apartment, he searched through his bag, mumbling to himself.

"You okay?" I asked curiously.

"No, I uh..left my keys in my apartment", Reid said, embarrassed.

"Do you have an extra set?"

"I gave an extra set to JJ in case of an emergency, let me call her."

"Perfect", I responded.

He called her a few times, no response any of the times.

Reid looked extremely anxious.

"She's not answering. I tried her a few times, I'm uh not really sure what to do."

"Well since I'm here, you can stay at my place if you'd like. I have a spare bedroom and a lot of oversized clothing you can sleep in. I practically live in oversized clothing on the weekends", I said, chuckling.

"Are you sure?" Reid asked carefully, "I wouldn't want to impose."

"Spence c'mon, you aren't imposing, I'm offering. Besides, what other option do you have?" I said, laughing as I turned out of the parking lot. "You can get your keys from JJ tomorrow morning, I'll drive you."

"Thank you so much Jo, really", he said softly.

God his voice was so soothing.

"You're welcome-"

Just then the song Island In The Sun by Weezer started playing on the radio. One of my favorite songs literally ever.

"Oh my god I love this song!"

I turned up the radio all the way and started belting the song as we drove to my apartment building. Reid looked at me and smiled, laughing as I horribly sang the song.

"I've never heard this song", he screamed over the loud music.

"You're kidding! It's so great it makes me feel like I'm floating on a beach", I screamed over the music.

As I continued to embarrass myself in front of Reid, he just sat there observing and laughing at everything I did. It was one of those moments that I think I would remember forever.

When we arrived in the parking lot of my apartment building I turned down the volume to the car and turned the car off as Reid gave me a slight smirk.

"What?" I asked him, holding back a smile.

Almost reading my mind, he said with a small smile,

"Have you heard of core memories?"

"Like from that movie inside out?" I laughed.


"Yeah, why", I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"I think I may have just created one of my core memories, being here in the car with you", he said sweetly.

I blushed, god I was usually awful around guys, how was I so comfortable around him?

"You mean me singing off pitch to a song you don't even know?" I laughed.

He laughed back.

"Yes, but also just seeing you have so much fun whilst doing something so small, yet looking like you're full of life."

After that I just gave him a smile and opened my car door, grabbing my things. As Reid and I  went through the main entrance of the building and up the elevator there was that tension again. At this point I couldn't tell if it was awkward or sexual tension. Obviously something was happening between us and although it had only been a few days since I met him, we instantly clicked. With so much in common, it was difficult for us not to get along right off the bat. But all of this tension was making me anxious. The last time I had this much tension with a guy was when I was literally losing my virginity during senior year prom night.

As we walked into my apartment, Reid stood there slightly awkward, not really sure what he should do. Attempting to ease his stress levels, again, I took his bags and placed them on the couch.

"Here, let me show you to your room Doctor", I said sarcastically.

"Seriously with the Doctor again? Jo, just call me Reid like everybody else", he said with a small laugh.

"It's either Doctor or Spence, take it or leave it."

"Fine", he rolled his eyes jokingly.

I showed him his room he'd be staying in, gave him some clothes, showed him where the bathroom is, and then decided I needed to sleep finally.

"Alright so are you good? Do you need anything else?"  I asked.

"No, I uh," he cleared his throat, "I think I'm okay."

"Okay great. I'll see you in the morning, Doctor. I'll make pancakes." I laughed at his sassy, over dramatic eye roll.

As I was about to leave the room, I remembered something. Although it was two o'clock in the morning, I decided now was a better time than ever to bring it up. I turned around,


"Yeah?", he questioned, his voice raising slightly.

"What did you mean yesterday when you said you weren't gonna leave me there with the pastor? You do know Morgan was there too, it would've been fine."

He suddenly looked embarrassed.

"It's not that, I just, I don't know-"

"Spence, listen, what's up? You can talk to me. I know that the team has been talking about me and you the past few days and how we act around each other and I get it trust me, but we met like not even a week ago. Don't feel any pressure to say anything."

He looked me right in my eyes, that similar feeling taking over my stomach again.

"That's not it Jo. I said that because for some reason when I first met you, you seemed different than any girl I've met. I know we've only known each other for like five days but honestly it feels like much longer. I have never talked to someone I just met the way we have talked. I said I didn't want to leave you there because I didn't want to leave you there. Because when I care about someone I cant let them be in danger, it's simply not in my nature", he laughed awkwardly.

I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. I felt the same. For some reason I felt this connection I had never felt with anyone before with him and it confused me.

Before I had the chance to say anything he started speaking at rapid speed.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said that Jo. We, we just met, I don't know what I was thinking. I'll just sleep now why don't we talk in the morn-"

Before he could speak anymore I kissed him hard on the lips for only a moment. When I pulled away he stared into my eyes again, the knots in my stomach growing. Before I could think again he pulled me in for another kiss. This time longer. As we kissed his hands gently went through my hair when suddenly I turned away.

"Spence, we work together. I know Hotch made a joke to me about you asking me out but this is real now", I said slightly concerned.

He looked at me, putting my hair behind my ear.

"I know, this is extremely real," he laughed slightly. "But I'm only going to kiss you want me to," he said softly.

"I want you to," I said in a low whisper.

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