Chapter 13

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The first day was pretty dull. Reid and I were assigned to go over victimology, along with the geographical profile as usual. As the rest of the team went on with their assigned tasks, it seemed more and more like our unsub could be Noah. It was a scary thought, but my mind kept going back to the way he treated me that one weekend and the look in his eyes was one I had never seen before. If someone was targeting me, it had to be him, and that scared the hell out of me.

After Morgan and Rossi arrived back from the crime scene, they discussed what they learned through the unsubs killing patterns.

"This guy has some sort of lust for power," Morgan said, sipping his coffee he had grabbed on his way in. "He is angry and asserts dominance over all of his victims."

"Not to mention the fact that this guy is messy," Rossi added. "We are most likely looking at someone who recently went through something with a woman that caused him to have a psychotic break."

The team all looked directly at me. It had to be Noah.

"Guys look," I said, wiping the sweat of my hands on my jeans. "It is looking more and more like our unusb is Noah. While it makes sense, I know for a fact that he is in Boston right now. He's a doctor and he has responsibilities. Although he may be an asshole, I don't know if he'd leave his  patients just to kill me."

Even though I was trying to make excuses, I had a gut feeling it was Noah.. I just didn't want to admit it.

Everyone was silent.

"However, I think someone is targeting me. In that case I am deciding here and now that I will stay here for the remainder of the case, for my safety."

"Good call," Reid said, looking extremely concerned.

After a few more hours of discussing what we learned from the friend's of the victims, old classmates that I got to reunite with in a super unfortunate fashion, Hotch decided we could go home early and re group tomorrow.

As everyone gathered their belongings, I got a call. Mom. I was so excited to see her, Grandma, and Cindy tonight for dinner. It felt like ages since the four of us got to just sit and talk in the  same room. I remember we would always call ourselves the March sisters; me being Jo of course, Mom being Meg, who was the wise, older one, Grandma being Beth, the innocent sweet one, and Cindy being Amy, the youngest and most chatty one.

"Hey mom!"

"Ooohh sweetie I am so excited to see you! I had a question before you came. I know you were talking about that boy you're seeing, Spencer, and -"

As my mother continued talking, Reid, who was standing next to me, glanced at me at the sound of his name. When my mother was done talking to me I hung up the phone and turned to Reid.

"So, my mom, grandma, and best friend Cindy and I are all having dinner at my childhood home tonight and they are all wondering if you'd want to join."

He looked at me, grinning.

"While I may be someone who is extremely socially awkward, I would love to meet your family. The way you talk about them and Cindy, how could I pass up the opportunity to meet the real life little women?" He said, enjoying the look on my face at his comment."

"Awesome! Let's go."


The rest of the night flew by in a flash. Not only did my family, including Cindy, love Reid, but the five of us got along so well that it seemed as though it was meant to be. Reid was not shy at all, to my surprise, even though he was completely surrounded by women. When we sat down for dinner, there was a moment of silence as we all began eating my grandma's homemade meal.

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