Chapter 11

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We drove back to my house in complete silence. As Reid drove me home for a change, he held my hand, giving me concerned glances every so often.

When we got back to my building I knew I didn't want to be alone.

"Spence?" I looked at him longingly.

"Of course, I'll stay here with you," he said, reading my mind once again.

How can he know me so well within only six days? The magic of being a profiler I guess.

As we entered my apartment, I ran to the couch and buried my face into the pillows. I felt like literal shit.

Reid looked worried.

"Do you need anything? Water? Snacks? A change of clothes?"

"All of the above please," I said laughing lightly.

Right away, Reid got me a pair of sweats, a baggy t-shirt, a huge glass of water, and made a bowl of popcorn and sat down next to me.

"Movie?" He asked, innocently.

"How about Inside Out?" I responded, sitting up next to him and cuddling into his chest.

"You got it Doctor," he responded matter-of-factly.

"C'mon spence, that's my thing," I slapped his chest.

He ignored my comment and turned the movie on. As we began watching the movie and snacking on popcorn, Reid began spitting facts about the brain and how although this movie is an animated cartoon, it depicted how the brain functions very well.

Right as I felt myself starting to drift off, I got a call on my cell.

"Why does everything always happen when I don't want it to?" I said, with a loud moan.

"Because the world doesn't revolve around you, Jo," he said with a small laugh.

"It's Noah," I said, worried about what could happen if I didn't answer.

"Only answer it if you are certain he isnt going to pull that shit again."

"Spencer Reid, did you just curse?"

Spencer laughed and put his head down.

"I know it's not usually in my character but I can't help it, he is literally an asshole Jo," he said, his voice slightly raising at the end.

I decided to answer the phone and put it on speaker so Reid could hear, it wasn't like he could hurt me from wherever he was.



"Stop calling me that."

Reid began stroking my hand with his.

"I'm sorry about tonight. But I love you, JOSEPHINE. And I WILL call you Josephine."

"Noah, I'm sorry but I really don't feel the same way. I think it may be best if we cut all ties now."

Reid nodded giving me an accepting look.

"You'll regret this Jo. We are soulmates. No matter what Jo. You may text your friends saying this Spencer guy is your soulmate, but I know the truth. We will be together. Maybe in another life. But we will."

I hung up the phone, exhausted from this ongoing battle that Noah had just recently begun.

I looked up and noticed Reid staring at me longingly.


"You think we're soulmates?"

I blushed, he wasn't supposed to know I said that.

"Well if the shoe fits," I said laughing.

He smiled at me with the widest smile I'd seen yet and pulled me in for a kiss. This time, the kiss went on for longer. After a few moments I began to take off his shirt. He did the same. As Reid began kissing other parts of my body, he suddenly stopped.

"Are you sure? We can just finish the movie and cuddle."

I looked at him with a twinkle in my eyes.

"Spence," I put my fingers through his hair, "let's go to my room."

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