Chapter 26

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I left the bathroom, feeling myself shaking. I honestly didn't know if these were the results I wanted. But, I shook off the feeling and began to get ready for me and Reid's date night.

I had no clue where he was taking me, but I was always someone who loved surprises, and he knew that. I searched through my closet for a fancier dress, and after process of elimination, I decided to go with my long, fitted, dark pink dress that had a hint of shimmer throughout. I hadn't worn that dress in ages, but I always loved the way it looked on me. It matched well with my complexion and the thin straps on top made the whole thing look super elegant. After I slipped on the dress, I put on some makeup, more than usual, added some jewelry, and curled my long, blonde hair.

When I was finished getting ready, it was around 5:50PM, which was probably earlier than Reid thought I'd be ready, since he made the reservation for 6:30PM.

I grabbed a little sweater and matching purse and headed towards the living room where I saw Reid patiently waiting for me, drinking a glass of iced tea.

When he looked over at me, he nearly spit out his drink.

"Jo, oh my god," he was blushing, "you look so incredibly beautiful."

I blushed and smiled at his compliment.

"Thanks Spence," I started, holding his hands in front of me, "you're looking quite dapper."

Reid was wearing a classic suit with a purple tie, his hair it's usual shaggy self, (and of course mismatched socks). He truly looked amazing.

God I was so lucky.

"Ready to go?" Reid asked, going to grab his car keys.

"Now?" I asked. "I thought you said our reservation was at 6:30."

"It is," he responded, beginning to leave the apartment, "the restaurant is 30 minutes away."

"How did you know I'd be ready in time?"

"Because every time we go out for a date night or a night with the team it takes you approximately 45-50 minutes ot get ready, so I planned accordingly," he said, holding the door open for me.

"I hate that you know everything," I said, laughing and walking towards the door where he stood.

"No, you don't," he said kissing my forehead.

We walked downstairs, towards Reid's car, holding hands. When we got to the car, Reid opened the door for me and then went to the driver's seat himself.

"You're driving?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yes ma'am."

"Interesting," I said with a smirk.

"What?" his voice raised an octave, "I can't drive my wonderful girlfriend to date night??"

I laughed at how defensive he got.

"Of course you can Spence. You're being so sweet today, I could get used to this."

"You mean I'm not always sweet?" he asked, pulling out of the driveway.

I hit his side playfully.

"You know what I mean."

When we arrived at the restaurant it was 6:28PM, just in time for our reservation. Reid ran over to my side of the car, opening the door for me.

I laughed.

"What is with you today?" I asked.

"Just a man in love," he said, reaching his hand to mine.

I took his hands and he led me to the restaurant. When we arrived, I felt myself begin to cry.

"Spence," I looked at him with tears in my eyes, "you remembered?"

"Jo, when you told me that you and your dad always dreamed of going to this restaurant, I took note right away. Of course I remembered."

"I love you," I said, trying not to cry.

"I love you too. Now let's go in, it took months in advance to get this reservation."

I smiled and took his hand, walking into the extravagant restaurant.

Growing up, my dad and I would always pass this restaurant, L'angolo Del Sapori, (which means "the corner of tastes" in italian), on my way to school and dreamed of dining there when we were rich and famous. We'd make jokes about sitting with the Queen of England there and how we would eat the night away. On our first date, I told Reid about that and how I wish I could've eaten there with my father before he died, and I remember him just walking besides me and listening as we strolled through the park. It was one of those memories of my dad that I knew I'd always remember, and the fact that Reid planned this whole night just for me, made me fall even deeper in love with him.

As we entered the restaurant, I could feel my insides turning into mush. The restaurant was huge and beautiful, filled with laughing people. The walls were golden, a huge archway in the entrance, and the ceiling was a huge painted mural. God, it must've taken Reid so long to get this reservation.

"This place is even more beautiful than I thought it'd be," I said to Reid as we waited for the hostess.

"I'm glad you think so," he said, rubbing my hand with his thumb, a pure smile on his face.

The hostess then came over and greeted us.

"Do you have a reservation?" She asked kindly.

"Uh yes," Reid began, "table for two under Spencer?"

"Ah yes," she said seeing our names on her list, "right this way."

She led us to a table in the middle of the restaurant, the chairs golden with a red cushion on top and the round table with a white cloth over it, along with two candles, and a single rose in the middle.

As we sat down, I picked up the extensive menu.

"Holy crap, there are so many options," I said trying to read over the menu.

"Options, there are indeed," Reid said as he began to do the same.

"Why do you literally talk like Yoda sometimes?" I asked with a laugh.

"Hey, don't make fun," Reid said laughing, "it's just how I am."

As we searched over the menu, I decided to go with a classic chicken dish that looked to die for. Reid decided on a pasta dish, with a side of salad because it's Reid.

We both also decided to just drink some sparkling water, since we probably wouldn't stop drinking if we started. Also, Reid never drank and I of course didn't want to be drinking alone.

After our meals came, we talked about the usual things we discussed, cases, things we saw, stuff from our past. We laughed all evening and he held my hand from across the table for the majority of the time.

Once we finished our meals, Reid began to look nervous.

"Jo, I uh," he cleared his throat, "I have another surprise for you tonight."

My heart started to beat out of its chest. Was he about to do what I think he was about to do?

As Reid began to reach inside of his coat pocket, I could feel my palms sweating and I blurted out,

"I'm pregnant."

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