Chapter 1

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Dipper PoV

I sat on the bus staring out the window as mabel talked to her friends on the phone. It's weird Mabel seems to hate me I don't even know what I did, I wish things would go back the way the were.
When I finally hit puberty I hated it, instead of getting masculine body I got feminine body. My hips were wider, my waist was small I smaller then Mabel and she calls herself the 'Alpha twin' I hate my body why does god hate me.

~(Flash back)~

"hey Mabel you love me right?" I asked nervously.
"Yes of course dipper."
"And would you respect for what I am?" I asked.
"Depends what exactly." She stared at me "dipper just say it."
"...I- I'" I say looking down. I hear her get up and leave the room.
"I shouldn't have said anything." I say shaking.
"You're right!" A disgust voice said.
I look up to see my mom and dad with mad and disappointed faces and Mabel behind then smirking evilly.
"..I- I'" I stuttered scared. Suddenly my dad stormed up to me and slapped me. I whined in pain as I held my cheek.
"Your such a disgrace to this family!" Mom screamed. He kicked me in the stomach and they left me crying in my room....all alone.
After that incident Mabel decided to tell the whole school I was gay. I fucking hate my life! I was already a bully target and now school thought I deserved to be bullied. Eventually I fell into a state of depression, I didn't really do selfharm it was just self doubt and emotional or sometimes abuse for my family. But I still loved them and haven't ended it yet.

~(Flash back over)~

Ever since we been to gravity falls I felt more safe there even safer in someone's arms....bills arms. I missed that stupid Dorito he's always been there for me. I even wanted to make a deal with him to never leave me but of course they had to ruin it. When we get to gravity falls I'm planning to find and bring back bill....I lov- NO stop! he's the enemy...that will always be with me.
I swear I'm going to get my revenge on those who have wronged me.

"Final stop: Gravity falls."

I see Mabel ran off the bus, I sigh and grabbed out things I walked off the buss. I looked as everyone crowed mabel and completely ignoring my existence. I just continue to walked to the mystery shack with the letter S still on the fall. I chuckled quietly remembering the old times. I put Mabels stuff in the living room and waited for everyone else.

"Oh dipper there you are I thought we already lost you!" Mabel hugged me, I knew it was all an act.
"Sorry I just wanted to go inside." I mumbled.
"Ok mabel and dipper since your now 17 you can have separate roo-" stan was cut off my mabel.
"I PICK THE NEW ROOM!" Mabel shouted.
"I'm fine with that." I mumbled grabbing my stuff. As I walked up to the attic I...heard...singing?

'Will meet again~ Don't know where, Don't know when~'

It echoed around the house, I looked back down, they were talking on the couch, They didn't look like the heard it 'i must to be going crazy' I thought walking to the attic.
I put my stuff away and laid by the window hugging my knees.
"I wished you was still here." I mumbled.
"You wished who was still here?" I hear someone say. I slowly looked up to be face with Ford.
"Oh it's there something that you need." I say sitting up.
"I was just saying that I, Stanly and Mabel are going out."
"Oh that's fine have fun." I say with a fake smile. He leaves my room without another word.
'Wow you didn't even ask me if I wanted to tag along...I probably would have said no anyways.'

I stare back out the window watching the car drive off. I remember I had bought my own journal for research. I got up and walked over to my bag and pull it out. I sat back down on the window seal and just drew things that came to mind. I slowing started to zone out with my hand still moving. Quickly snapped back into reality and look down at the journal...AAH! The page was filled out pictures of bill as a human. I guess he would look pretty hot- NO STOP GAY THOUGHTS! I kept staring at the drawings.
I drew him with perfectly tanned skin, black undercut with yellow/golden hair, he had black skinny jeans and a golden hoodie. I kept looking at the close up of his face he also had beautiful and bright golden eyes. "What is wrong with me?!" I screeched quietly blushing.

Bill PoV

I could hear everything he said and thought it was quite amusing.
'So pinetree has got it bad for me?' I smirked. But I am glad he misses me and came back, everything here is dead and boring. I hope he does find a way to free me. I sighed and continued to stare at him as he draw human me. Suddenly I heard talking downstairs, I'm guessing he didn't hear since he's still drawing, I need a way to get his attention before they see his journal. I quickly flew outside and knock on the window. He looked at the outside confused but then spotted the car outside. He quickly got up, lifted one of the floor boards under his bed and put the journal and sat down on his bed. 'He's kinda cute and adorable~ and way better with me then with that fakeass 'family'' I thought staring into his beautiful, brown chocolate eyes. I blushed and decided to leave.
"You're welcome pinetree~" I whispered as he frantically looked around. I laughed and flew back to my statue. 'I hope he comes and saves me.' I say closing my eyes.

Dipper PoV

I heard something knock on my window as I drew, I look out to see nothing I was about to turn away until I spot stans car. I quickly got up and ran to my bed and bent doing and removed one of the floor boards and hid my book inside. I put board back and sit on my bed.

"You're welcome pinetree~" I quickly looked around the room to see war I heard it. I stopped and thought. 'I heard...pinetree?! Wait he's here?!' I ran to the window and looked out.
"I guess he's gone." I say sadly.
"Whos gone." Mabel said.
"None of your business." I sneered.
".....FORD! DIPPER HAD SOMEONE OVER!" Mabel screamed.
"MABEL YOU BITCH!" I shout. I see ford walk into my room.
"Who was here?" He said lowly.
"No one." I said staring at him.
"Mason dipper pines tell me the truth!" He shouted.
"IM NOT LYING!" I accidentally screamed. I was suddenly slapped and pushed to the falls. I tried to talk but he cut me off.
"Save your sorries you're grounded." He shouted and storming out, slamming my door. "Bitch who said I was sorry." I smirked.

I laid on the ground staring blankly at the door. 'I thought they loved me. They're going to pay for this.' I dragged myself to bed and fell asleep. 'I wished he was still here'

Cya sours~ 🍋

(1262 word count)

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