Chapter 9

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(3 months later)

Mason PoV

Pyronica thought it would be the best idea to party to put our minds of shit. I let her plan it since I wasn't in the mood to do anything.
"Mason? Maybe you should go down for a bit your pretty stressed out." Pacifica said poking her head in my room.
"If I go will you stop harassing me every five minutes." She nods happily. I sigh and got up. I walked to the ballroom where everyone demon was. I walked around talking to everyone, I Suddenly stopped and held onto my stomach.
"Mrs Cipher are you alright?" I tried to nod but I collapsed onto my knees. I see the guards surround me blocking me from everyone else.
I started sweating and hyperventilating. Pacifica pushed through the guard and was trying to help me.
"I don't understand what's wrong?!" She asked confused.
"T-the baby is coming!" I yelled in pain. I could here whisper around me. 'He pregnant?!' 'The queens pregnant?' 'Some help him!' With all the strength I snapped my fingers and teleported into my room with Pyronica and Pacifica.
"Go get a bowl of water, warm towels and scissors and a blanket!" Pacifica said.
"How do you-"
"Go!" Pyronica nodded and vanished.
"O-oh f-fuck. Pacifica do s-something!" I felt like I was going to throw up.
"Fuck wait-" Suddenly Pyronica spawned out of know where with the stuff. She laid down the blanket and told me to lay onto it.

Skipping child birth because the only time I've seen a child being born was in class, And that kid slid out like someone going down a water slide but instead of water it was lube. Like she shit out jelly 😭

Pacifica PoV

After we were finished mason passed out. It's was weird that he had twins. He's a twin, Bills a triplets and the grunkels are twins too. Must be some genetic thing.
"Are those Things safe?" Pyronica asked sitting awkwardly.
"There babies there probably the most harmless things here." I said as the slept in my arms. Pyronica looked intensely at them.
"You...wanna hold one?" I asked.
"Uh sure?" I carefully handed her the baby as he opened his eyes. He had brown hair with little bit of yellow tips and lighter skin. The one on my hand had yellow hair with brown tips with tanner skin.
"I don't understand what do you do with these babies?" Pyronica said look at the baby who stared blankly back.
"Well you raise them." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"But why-"
"Mmm what's happening?" Mason said waking up. I got up and and grabbed the other baby from Pyronica. I walked over to mason who was laying in bed and handed him his babies.

Mason PoV

I sat up slightly in pain as Pacifica walked over to him.
"Here." She said handing me my kids. I cried as I held them.
"What are you going to name them?" She asked.
"...Phill." I mumbled looking at the blond one.
"Wow really onboard with putting 'ill' after everything letter huh?" She joked.
"Ha yeah...And Dominic." He babbled as Phill cried. I noticed on Phills shoulder was like a mark just like mine but instead off the Big Dipper it was Cassiopeia.
"We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through, just like you always do
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away..." I sang softly too them. I wished Bill was here. They both eventually fell back to sleep. Pacifica and Pyronica said there goodbyes and left. Since my energy was basically drained I couldn't summon and crib so I laid next to me. I looked onto my bedside table where the book tad gave me. I grabbed the book and opened it. I flipped through the book looking for the right page when I found something.

Reviving A Demon From Stone

"Step one...Wait until the next Blood moon...which comes ever four years." My eyes widen at this the next blood moon?! But the last blood moon was a couple of weeks ago. I can't wait that long! I started shaking as tear streamed down my cheek. I closed the book and breathed in slowly. I placed the book but and turned to Phill and Dominic who were still sleeping.
"...I can wait...just for you." I mumbled falling asleep.

Sorry it's a bit shorter then I intended it to be

(772 word count)

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