Chapter 6

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Dipper PoV

I've been with the stupid pines family for a month and they don't even knock before coming into my room now. I'm getting real tired here, there is shit to do and they're all boring. Llama always came to see me at lest three times a week which luckily didn't make me go insane then I already am.
I somehow managed to sneak outside to look at the night sky. I sigh I just want everything to go back to normal. Suddenly i hear a loud screech from the forest, I look up to see a massive red triangle with multiple arms repeatedly banging on the force field.
"BILL?!" I yelled confused and happy. Fuck I need to do something- right llama said I can break the field.
"WAIT ILL BE RIGHT BACK." I ran back into the shack and broke into Sixer's lab. I was quickly scanned and the shelf and came across a gun with the label 'field removal'. I grab it and run back outside, I aim the gun to field and shoot it, it made a loud shattering noise. I drop the gun as bill picked me up.
"BILL LEAVE MY NEPHEW ALONE!" Sixer shouted. Bill just screeched louder. I look down to see llama looking at me with wide but happy eyes.
'Please take me with you.' She thought I smile and snap my fingers and teleporting her into me arms. Bill looked at me confused.
"It's fine I trust her." I mumbled. "Let's go."

~(Time skip)~

Dipper outfit now (I'm a humble girl ok)

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Dipper outfit now (I'm a humble girl ok)

Bill healed me up and gave me way to much affection which made me laugh. I walked to llamas room seeing if she wake now, I knock and open the door.
"Please don't hurt me!" Llama shouted.
"Don't worry it's just me." I laugh walking over to her. "You doing okay?" She slowly put down her arms and looked at me.
"Mm yeah I guess I just didn't expect everything to go so fast." She sighed sitting down on her bed.
"Well your past life doesn't matter now your safe here...until they come back." I said mumbling the last part.
"Ugggh when will they give up." She sighed loudly. I just shrugged.
"There's clothes in your closet for your liking, once you finish just call me." I smiled walking out.
"Uh thanks dip- I mean mason." She smiled.

~(Time skip)~

"We should probably put up more protection and security." I hear bill say to his henchmen. 'He needs to rest he's over working himself because of me. Fuck!' I thought accidentally, which means bill heard me. I turn to bill to see him not even looking in my detraction. He must be really tired-
"Mason I'm finished." I hear some say, must be llama. I teleported into her room and look happily at her outfit.

 I teleported into her room and look happily at her outfit

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"You look beautiful

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"You look beautiful." I smile at her.
"T-thank you." She said shyly.
"C'mon I need to go talk to bill." I said walking out. She quickly ran beside me as we walked down the hall.
'Mason seems sad I wonder what's wrong.' I hear llama think.
"I'm fine I just need to talk to bill." I spoke up.
"Y-you can read people's minds too?" She asked.
"Yeah everyone but bills since he's a higher demon it's hard understanding him sometimes." I mumbled. She nods and we continue walking to bill's study.
I open the door to see bill dosing off, I laugh and walked up to him.
"Bill you need to rest." I whispered softly.
"Nu- I'm not tir-" Bill yawned.
"C'mon dumbass. Llama will you be okay in the library for a bit?" I asked. She nods her yes. I walk her to the library and carry bill to our bedroom.
"Okay dumb dumb get change and go to sleep, if your not by the time I get back I'm suffocating you with a pillow." I said but bill pulled me in.
"I wanna cuddle." He pouted.
"W-whatever dumbass." I blushed.

Pacifica PoV

Mason took me to the library and left with Bill. Since I was kinda interested I looked though a couple of books until I heard a loud voice.
"BILL YOU IN HERE?!" I loudly dropped my book in surprise. I quickly hid behind a bookshelf that's was sticking out and looked around.
"Boo." Something said breathing down my neck. I yelped and I feel to the ground.
"Ahh please don't hate me!" I screeched.
"You humans are so dramatic chillex. I'm Pyronica." She smiled holding her hand out.

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And yess I will ship Pacifica and pyronica just cuz

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And yess I will ship Pacifica and pyronica just cuz

I hesitated but grabbed her hand pulling me up.
"T-thanks." I blushed. "I'm Pacifica."
"So why are you here?"
"...the pines treated dip-mason horribly and I really didn't want to be with them specially since mable cheated on me." I said mumbling they last part.
"Omg baby girl you seem wonderful shooting star doesn't deserve you!" She said picking me up and hugging me.
"I mean it's my fault s-she wanted to do it but I wasn't ready. I should have let her-"
"Nope nope nope! I might be a demon but I know what a abuse relationship is. If she didn't respect your choice then she doesn't deserve your love or anything at all." Pyronica stated.
"I- thanks." I say crying a bit.

Hi lol

(900 word count)

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