Chapter 2

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I slowly opened my eyes.
"The fuck." I mumbled. I looked around to see I was in a throne room.
"Oh I must be in dreamscape....that means....BILL." I screamed standing up.
"The one and only, at your service pinetree~" Bill said behind me.
"Bill-" I was shocked he was a human just like the one I drew?!
"Anything to impress my queen~" he winked at me.
"Shut up idiot why am I here." I blushed.
"Too of course make a deal~"
"...what is it?" I said curiously.
"I won't harm your family and friends if you become my queen~" he smirked.
"...what makes you think I deserve to be treated like a queen..." I mumbled.
"Pinetree. Your the only one who deserves to be it...and you got the body for it~" he laughed.
"Shut up you flirt!" I blushed even more.
"So deal?"
"Mmm no....I'll become your queen if I can get my revenge."
"Ooo pinetree is coming to the dark side." Bill laughed. "Deal." He said raising his had as a blue flame bursted. I shook his hand as I smiled wickedly.
"Seems like your time is up pinetree. Remember: reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold. BYYYEEE." Bill laughed loudly disappearing into blue flames.

~Dreamscape over~

"-shit DIPSHIT WAKE UP!" Mabitch yelled.
"Calm your ass I'm up." I mumbled.
I hear her huff and stomped downstairs, Bitch. I change and walk downstairs and into the kitchen.
"What are you doing out your room?" Ford said crossing his arms.
"I need to eat to survive, I'm turning 18 so you don't have control over my life and cause I can." I said putting on my shoe and walking outside.
"GET BACK HERE!" Ford yelled angrily.
"...nah!" I shout smirking.

"Now where's that stupid triangle." I mumbled.
"Right here~" I jumped slightly as he appeared in front of me.
"Don't do that dummy!"
"Awww that's not how you talk to your king~" Bill smirked.
"Shut up I'm your queen I can talk to you however I like." I huffed.
"Alrighty then....let's make you look like a queen then." Bill laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean this!" Bill snap his fingers making me wear a dark blue dress and heels?!

"What do you mean?""I mean this!" Bill snap his fingers making me wear a dark blue dress and heels?!

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"I hate you so much

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"I hate you so much." I said struggling to stand. I mean it's not the worst thing he could have put me in, the dress fit perfect for my feminine body and it was comfortable.
"Your mind tells me otherwise~"
"Stop reading my mind idiot!" I blushed.
"Come on my queen let's go~" he said holding his had out for me.
"Where exactly?" I said hesitating to grab his hand.
"Where else, the Fearamid." I sigh and grab him hand.
We teleported to the throne room that I dreamt of, Bill led me to two thrones i big yellow and black one and a smaller blue and black one.
"This is your throne." Bill said.
"I can see that." I huffed sitting down in it.
"Is my Queen sad?"
"No just bored." I mumbled.
"Well we can always go to my giant library but we could always take you back to th-"
"Shut up let's go there!" I huffed. I was totally lying I happy there's a library.
As we walked to the library I had questions.
"Darling, will you make me a demon just like you?" I asked accidentally slipping out the first word.
"Yes but you need to know basic demon stuff before you can turn." I hummed in response as he open the door to the library.

" I hummed in response as he open the door to the library

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I was shocked how big it was it was like heaven. Before I could look through the book I suddenly realised something.
"Bill you got me fucked up if you think I'm walking in heels on a shiny wooden floor." I state.
"You need the practice go on. I'll be in my study the room over." Bill laughed. I hate him so much.
"No you don't."
"GO AWAY!" I shouted blushing.

~(Time skip)~

I grabbed a few ten books and decided to read them in bills study because I felt lonely in here. I stack the books and carried them to the door. I accidentally dropped an book and sighed in frustration.
"I can carry some if you like." I slightly jumped and look down. There was a little elf looking away shyly.
"That would be wonderful, what's your name." I smiled.
"Master doesn't give us names it just normally just elf or he points." They mumbled.
"Well that's stupid I'm calling yoooou how about pepper?" I asked.
"Ah thank you! Your majesty." They bowed. I laughed softly and walked into Bills study.
"Ah Pinetree I was meaning to talk to you." Bill said standing up. I and pepper placed the books on a table, pepper bows and runs out.
"Yes what is it." I asked.
"It's the pines they are wondering where you are. What do want me to do to them."
"...I want you to tell them about the deal but I'm your slave and instead of me asking for revenge, you say I did it to save them. That's what I want to do for now, I want to see their reactions." I said.
"Sure you can watch it here." He said point to a screen behind him. I nod as he teleports away. He better not do anything stupid.

Mabel PoV

We were waiting for dipshit to cook us dinner since he's the only one that knows how to cook. But suddenly we hear a loud and familiar laugh. We run outside to see bill in human form.
"B-bill?" I said surprised.
"What do you want demon?! You should be dead." Ford shout.
"But Im not, anyways aren't you missing someone~" smirked.
"What did you do to dipper?!" I yelled.
"We made a deal. For your family and friends protection he would become my slave." He laughed wickedly.
"We'll get him back demon!" Ford yelled.
"Sure you will. Remember: reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold BYYYEEEE." Bill laughed disappearing.
"What do we do?" I asked.
"Even though dipper probably does deserve to be tortured, doing this deed will make us powerfully over the townspeople." I ford stated. I look over to stan he look like he agreed, I mean who wouldn't, think of all the power, gold and expensive dresses.

Dipper PoV

I can't believe they are only doing this because of the power and riches?! I want my revenge more then ever.
"Pinetree?" I slowly got up and put my head in Bill's chest, I felt his arms wrap around me as I cried in frustration.
"Bill...I want to be a demon now." I mumbled closing my eyes.

Cya sours~ 🍋

(1133 word count)

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