Chapter 14

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Sorry I'm getting sidetracked but this is all I got. 🤷‍♀️

(Couple of weeks later)

Dominic PoV

I was kinda pissed that Phill somehow got a boyfriend. I'm not jealous it's just that he trusts people too easy. He said he's find and nothing bad was going to happened but I kept my guard up. Right now I was talking to my friends in the school halls, when someone ran into my chest.
"What the h-" I looked down to see Phill shaking and crying.
"What's wrong?! What happened?!" I yelled trying to calm him down. He just kept crying. Suddenly a girl run up to me.
"Thomas cheated on him while he watch."
"What?!" I screeched. I let go of Phill and stormed down the hall looking for that dick while phill tried to call me back. I found him on the courtyard bragging to everyone. I walked up to him and punched him.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled holding his cheek.
"You dare hurt my brother again I will kill you!"
"Awww you're defending your little brother how cute." The dick said.
"Dude shut the fuck up! You know how close they are." Some boy said. Suddenly I was punched in the stomach cause me to cough out blood. Instead of hitting him back I started laughing.
"What the fuck fight back then pussy!" He yelled. I just laughed harder.
"Dominic stop!" Phill said running over. I didn't and kept laughing.
"WHAT THE HEL?!-" Thomas screamed puffing up. Suddenly Phill covered my mouth.
"Don't kill him!" He whispered yelled.
"Yet." I muffled.

~(Time skip)~

"Sit here while I call you parents!"
"Zip it." The principal walked out as I turn to Thomas.
"Hey how you been?" I smirked evilly.
"Haha...good?" He laughed nervously.
"Alright listen here Bitch you come anywhere near Phill again he won't be there to stop me kill you."
"Dominic you dumbass what did you do?!" Someone shouted. I turn to see mom pissed and dad trying to calm him down.
"I didn't anything." I mumbled.
"Okay then why am I here?!"
"Ok maybe but it was for a reason!"
"And what's that?" Dad asked.
"He cheated on Phill and when phill caught him and he didn't stop." I said pointing to Thomas.
"What?!" Dad and Mom yelled.
"If you come near my son again, I'll make sure nobody can find your body." Mom stated picking him up by the collar.
"PUT DOWN MY SON!" We turn to see probably Thomas parents. "It's always with you f*gs." Thomas mom mumbled. Mom tried attacking her but dad was holding him back.
"Enough!" The principal said. We finally calmed down and sit down. The principal let Thomas explain what happened first.
"Phill bumped into me and I got annoyed and shouted at him. Then Dominic punched me."
'Please go along with this. My parents would disown me if they found out if I was gay.' I widen my eyes in shock. The fuck.
'Dominic even thought I want to flatten his body-'
'Don't say anything stupid.'
'Why can't you say anything?!'
'Because anything that comes out mouth would be offensive in 14 different dimensions.'
'Fine you owe!'
"Dominic your side." Principal said.
"I did in fact punched him I was just defending Phill." I grumbled.
"Might have to put you in anger management." The principal said.
"ANGER MANAGEMENT?!" Mom and me screamed.
"I see it runs in the family." He mumbled.
"Ah you little bitc-"
"You know I think it's time to go." Dad said. "Any other things?"
"Yes Dominic you're suspended for a week and Thomas for three days."

~(Time skip)~

Before mom could destroy the office we left.
"Dominic..." I turn to see Phill with puffy cheeks.
"Phill I'm sorr-" Suddenly he hugged him.
"You didn't need to get in trouble because of me." He mumbled.
"Phill are you okay?" Mom said.
"Yeah for now." He said mumbling the last part.
"What was that?" Dad asked.
"Nothing...what happened."
"Dominic got suspended for a week."
"Hey! I basically saved everyone's butt- OW OW!!" Mom grabbed my ear painfully.
"Bye Phill have a nice day." Mom said opening a portal.

~(Time skip)~

Phill PoV

School ended and I waiting for Poppy at the school gates when a certain someone walked up to me.
"Hey baby I'm sorry." Thomas said.
"L-leave me alone." I mumbled.
"Please I didn't mean it."
"Just leave me be, if your better with him just keep him."
"I trusted you, you obviously didn't trust yourself to be loyal."
"...I'll leave you alone...tell your brother I'm sorry and thankful." He sighed and walked off.
What does he mean but 'thankful?'
"Hey Phill!" Poppy said running over to me. "You okay now?"
"Yeah let's just go."

~(Time skip)~

I walked home and went straight to my room locking the door. I let my emotions get the best of me and started crying.
'I can't believe I let him do that! I trusted him!' I wiped my cheeks and looked and my hands. My tears were black?! I quickly grabbed my phone and liked at my reflection my eyes were also black.
"What is wrong with me?!" I cried breathing heavily.
"Hey Phill mom said- OH MY SATAN ARE YOU OKAY?!" I looked up slightly seeing Dom running over to me.
"Dominic..." He came over to me and hugged me as I cried more.
"Dom...can I tell you something...with out you getting mad..?" I asked quietly looking down.
"It's kinda...awkward and embarrassing...but I trust you not to tell mom."
"Its fine and I won't. Take your time." I couldn't find the words to describe the situation so I thought of it.
'Thomas may have or may have not taken my V-card-'
"WHA-" I quickly covered his mouth in fear.
"Please be quiet."
"You did give him consent...didn't you?" He said pulling my hand away.
"Yes I did."
"Oh please don't tell me your pregn-"
"WHAT NO!" I whispered yelled. "I'm not that stupid!"
"Yeah sur-"
"Shut up idiot." I said hitting his head.
"Okay fine....did he hurt you?"
" did hurt a bit at first." I whispered quietly. "I'm changing the subject, what did mom say?"
"Oh yeah! He said to come down we're having a movie night. Come on!" He said standing up and dragging me out the door and downstairs. We walked into kitchen to see mom and dad talking to each other.
"Phill here!" Mom passed me a bowl of popcorn.
"We don't need to do this-"
"Nonsense! We're family and we help each other out." Mom smiled walking out. Dad just laughed shaking his head. Me and Dom followed them out. I see mom happily skip and sit down on a pillow.
"Did know mom could get anymore girly." Dom whispered to me as I giggled quietly.
"Hey! I have you know blue is a very manly colour!"
"Uh hu and so are dresses too." Dad laughed sitting next to him. Mom huffed and punched him. Dominic snickered and sat down next to mom. I walked in front of Dom and sat between his legs. He wrapped his arms loosely around my neck and placed his shoulder on mine. This is what brothers do right? Is not it?

Mason PoV

I turn to Phill and Dominic and saw their position.
'Phill and Dominic are really close, aren't they.'
'Yeah of course they're brothers.'
'Yes dummy I know it's just Phill is so sensitive and sweet he takes things to heart to easily. Can't you see what I'm thinking.'
'Mmmm no?'
'I'm thinking they're a little to close I really don't incest happening.'
'I see what you mean.'
'We need to find someone like Dominic for Phill and I'm pretty sure Dom is asexual.'
'Yeah...let's talk about this later.'
I nod and turn back to the screen. I really hope we can.

Ok the incest thing was bonded to happen so I cut that shit I need to cleanse my mind.

(1355 word count)

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