Chapter 12

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Ok let's make a deal if you horny fucks stop asking me to make smut I will have a bonus chapter just for that so please 🤦‍♀️

(10 years later)

Phill PoV

Dominic has been so distant lately, and every time I try to talk to him he's seems to ignore me or straight up mean. I talked to mom and dad about it and they noticed too. I just wanted to know if I or something was wrong. He got dad to separate our rooms since 'He was bugging me' in his words.
I walked up to him door and knocked.
"Hey Dominic?" I waited until I see a tired Dom.
"What." He mumbled.
"I-I wanted to see if your were okay. I'm just worri-"
"See this why I don't like you. You always 'worried' I'm fucking fine."
"Dom I'm your brother, twin brother, I have to care."
"Well don't." Before I could say anything he slammed the door in my face.

Mason PoV

I was in kitchen drinking coffee when Phill walked in with an sad expression on his face.
"What up with you?" I asked.
"Dominic won't listen to me. I'm worried." He sighed.
"I'll talk to him." I said placing my coffee down and walking out the kitchen to Dominic's room.
"Dominic Cipher." I said knocking. I didn't hear anything so I got inpatient and walked in. I see him hugging his knees in bed. I quickly rushed over to check him.
"Phill I said I'm fin-" He looked up to him and stopped. "Oh hi mom..."
"You okay?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm fine I guess." He mumbled shrugging me off.
"...what's on your mind kid?"
"Come on I'm your mommy after all." I joked. I hear him chuckle a little bit immediately stopped.
"Why did you stop?" I asked confused.
"no reason.." I thought for a minute and realised why he stopped.
"...are you still thinking about that 'Situation' when you was younger."
"What situation?" I gave him the 'You know what am talking about'.
"" He said sitting up.
"What keeps making you think back to it?"

Dominic PoV

"...will I was out a couple of days ago I met a girl-"
"Huh?? My child is straight! What a disgrace to my family." Mom joked dramatically. I laughed quietly at this.
"I met a girl and I thought I could trust her, which I really regret now, and told her about the incident and she called me a monster and I would never be normal and I would die lonely and-" Mom cupped my cheeks as I cried.
"It's okay." He whispered. "I can erase that memory it you want."
"W-what you can do that?" I sniffed.
"Like your going into my head?"
"Yes now shhh before you go into mine." He mumbled.
"I can? I wanna see!" I said.
"You really don't want too."
"But mommy."
"Fuck-" My vision went bright white. It was like I was sleeping. I sat up in a white box confused.
"You happy now? we're in my mind." I looked around to mom who was walking over to me.
He grabbed my hand and walked me out the room. The door opens to a hallway of my doors with signs at the top of them.
"What are these?" I said pointing to a door.
"My memories." Mom mumbled. I nod and walked door the hall looking at the signs.
"H-hey what are you doing?!" Mom shouted running after me.
"Looking. Ooo what's this?" The sign said 'Mable' "Who's Mabel?" I asked.
"Someone I don't want you near." I ignored what he said and walked in. I see mom where he was younger with a little girl and I think there parents.
"Happy birthday Mabel and dipper." His mom said. Mabel got many expensive presents while dipper got broken crayons and a notebook. Suddenly it flash to them older.
"Hey dipper, grunkel stan said hang these up will you do it for me."
"But-" He was cut off when a Mabel piled posters onto his arms. "..okay.." An another flash happened when I'm guess he was sixteen.
"What's wrong dipper? Can't fight back with those noodles arms of yours?" Mabel and some other girls laughed as they pushed him down. The were series of mini points in his life when Mabel abused, used and teasing. I stopped looking and turn to mom who was facing away. I walked up to him and hugged him.
"We can leave if you want." I said.
"It's...fine." We walked out and continued to stroll briefly looking at the signs. Until I stood at a door said 'Two new lives'
"What's this?" I opened the door and mom quickly covered my eyes.
"Hey what the hell?!"
"You don't want to see that!" He said dragging me out.
"Mom...I think I don't want to erase that memory?"
"Mmm what you mean?"
"I mean I thinks it's better to keep it just in case Yknow?" Mom smiled softly and close his eyes. I snapped back into reality where was still holding my cheeks.
"Glad you realised what you wanted."
"Yeah-OW!" He suddenly slapped my head.
"Now go apologise to your brother, he's been sad every since."
"Oh shiiiooot." I got up and ran out my room.
I walked into the kitchen where Phill played with his drink.
"Phill! I'm sorry for yelling at you!" I said hugging him. He quiet for a bit but hugged back.
"It's fine I shouldn't have bothered you..."
"No you were worried I was being a dumbass!" I screeched.
"Aww you actually care about me!"
"...of course your my brother...I love you." I grumbled.
"I love you too...step-bro-"
"Okay that's enough!" I yelled trying to push Phill off me. Phill just hugged me tighter laughing, I stopped and laughed with him. I really do love him.

(995 word count)

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