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(Couple of years later)

Mason PoV

"Ooo I'm getting so old!" I complained.
"You're immortal." Bill said blankly.
"What-what the fuck does that mean?!"
"Phill is one month away until he gives birth! I'm going to be a grandparent!" I sulked.
"Calm down it won't be that bad."
"Excuse you! I've had to raise those brats for...four year probably even longer!" I shouted.
"Please stop fighting." Phill said said stepping out a portal with Dominic.
"Phill! Where's yours husbando?"
"I got pissed at him and he's...I don't know honestly."
"Idiot." Dominic said.
"I forgot something really important!" I said. "Family picture." I announced again.
"What again?" Dominic sulked.
"Stop being a sour puss." I spawned a camera and set it down.
"Positions people!" After taking the picture I frame it and placed on the wall next to our other pictures over the years.
"Mom." Phill said.
"Yes?" I said slightly turning around.
"I think my water just broke."

Then Phill proceeded to have one beautiful girl who he named Lily.
Dominic wasn't as a dick he was before.
And Mason and Bill finally had peace with nonexistent Pines, making Mason every happy.

Ok so there will be a bonus chapter so don't put this in archive yet
It will be smut. (I haven't gotten to far since I can't see it Yknow, so that will take a long time)

Hoped you enjoyed reading
my book.😊

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